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The Ghost Hunter

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Thank you for visiting The Ghost Hunter page. My name is Brian and I am pleased to be your host for this section.
Here you can find a paranormal investigator or create a page for your paranormal group.

Back when I was earth-bound, I did my share of exploration into the paranormal. We didn't have TAPS on TV, or Most Haunted, but I searched for spirits, investigated haunted houses . . . even attended a séance or two. I was one of the best ghost hunters of my day.

But now that I'm on the other side, ghost hunters have become my favorite people. Besides appreciating their earnest efforts to help their clients by attempting to contact and prove the existence of disembodied souls like myself, I find them quite amusing.

Maybe it's because I finally know the truth. I know that ghosts do indeed exist, and they are all around. Most ghosts are just people, like you. Maybe because I don't wonder anymore, the entire subject has become very humorous for me.

First, ghost hunters come around with their instruments, taking their readings, poking around, always searching diligently for a sign that we're here.

Then they shout their commands that we show ourselves. That part really gets me going because most times, we're standing right next to them and THEY CAN’T EVEN SEE US!! I won't tell you what we say (or do) to them, as it's our private little joke, but the entire episode will leave us entities cracking up for hours.

Suffice it to say, it's all great fun and one of the best things about being a spirit—besides being able to go wherever we want, making things move and interfering with clocks and electronics. Playing with humans helps us pass the time very pleasantly.

Someday I believe there will be an alliance between the living and ghosts, where the gaps in communication will be bridged and understanding will occur. Until then, it's the ghost hunter, your neighborhood paranormal investigator who's doing the job to prove we're here and laying the foundation for understanding. He's helping his fellow man and doing his best to find the truth, and that is very honorable.

So whenever you see a crew holding infrared cameras, EMF detectors and hand-held recorders, realize you are in the presence of the ghost hunter--some very good people who are out to do some very good things.

On these pages we will be highlighting the websites of some online ghost hunters. You can view footage from their investigations as well as videos introducing these research groups and their services. After you've reviewed their material, feel free to visit their sites and see the rest of what they have to offer. If you're in their neck of the woods and need to verify or handle a haunting, feel free to contact them for an investigation.

This section will also provide information on some famous ghost hunters, some of the history of paranormal investigations, tips on doing your own investigations and where you can purchase your own equipment and ghost hunting supplies.

All of these things should prove to make this a very important, information-packed area of our site. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

Ghost Hunters Pages

Click below to see the ghost hunters who have submitted their bios. Learn their techniques, ask them questions, and find out more about them.

Paranormal Investigator: Alan Hetherington  starstarstarstarstar
I am a registered and experienced psychical and instrumental transcommunication researcher. I have being established since 1975.

I carry out scientific ...

Springfield Paranormal and Research Investigations  starstarstarstarstar
We are a small paranormal investigation group located in Springfield, Mo. I personally have been doing paranormal investigations for over 12 years now ...

Paranormal Investigation at Flinderation Tunnel  starstarstarstarstar
The story is, some years ago, track workers were working on a piece of track in the tunnel, when a train came around the curve at a speed that was greater ...

Central Valley Paranormal Searchers  starstarstarstarstar
CVPS is located in Lodi, California and serves the central valley and surrounding areas.

CVPS is dedicated to professionalism. We promise to bring ...

Michael-West Virginia Paranormal Investigator  starstarstarstarstar
Hello, I'm a paranormal investigator who is looking to join or form a team in the Clarksburg, West Virginia area.

I have been doing my own investigations ...

Twilight Paranormal Investigations and Research Group  starstarstarstarstar
Twilight Paranormal Investigations was founded to document paranormal activity through audio, video, and still photographic evidence. We are based in ...

McHenry County Paranormal Research Group  starstarstarstarstar
My name is Tony Olszewski, I founded the McHenry County Paranormal Research Group in 2006, to assist both those who have "passed on," and those who are ...

Illinois Asylum for the Incurable Insane Paranormal Tours  starstarstarstarstar
First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie Hill, and I have a paranormal group out of Kentucky. My partner and I have recently joined ...

Malaysian Paranormal Research  starstarstarstarstar
I'm FARWIN JOHN from Malaysia. I'm the founder of Malaysian Paranormal Research. I'm a paranormal researcher who is certified by the Internatinal Ghost ...

Woman leaning over my bed  starstarstarstarstar
I have no idea to be honest. I took a picture of myself for my Myspace sometime in January of '07. I was just looking through some of my old photos with ...

Columbia Paranormal Research Society  starstarstarstarstar
Columbia Paranormal Research Society formerly the North Investigating Ghost Hunting Team has changed its name.

Founded June 1, 2008

Mission Statement:...

PSI - Paranomal Study & Investigation  starstarstarstarstar
Hey everyone. Im Jim the founder of PSI, a www.psir.co.uk.

PSI formed as a non-profit paranormal investigation group based in Essex, England. We are ...

The Paranormal Society of Oklahoma  starstarstarstarstar
Thank You: I have been in the "field" since I was a child...many, many moons ago.

My heritage is Irish and American Indian. I believe that we all have ...

Paragon Paranormal Investigators of Northern Illinois  starstarstar
Hello All!! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cher Andersen and I am the founder of Paragon Paranormal Investigators of Northern Illinois....

Motown Paranormal Research   Not rated yet
MoTown Paranormal Research (MTPR) consists of a team of dedicated investigators with more than 10 years experience in the study and research of the paranormal....

Omni Paranormal Society   Not rated yet
The Omni Paranormal Society is a volunteer paranormal research team. Omni Paranormal has both a West Coast Chapter located in the Southern California region,...

Pittsburgh Paranormal Research  Not rated yet
Founded in February 2010 by Scott Delledonne and Jeff Gettman, we are a group of paranormal investigators located in the Pittsburgh area.

PPR is ...

WV Paranormal 57  Not rated yet
WV Paranormal 57 exists to investigate hauntings and legends of hauntings in WV and surrounding areas. We specialize in helping private residences and ...

Paranormal Investigation Groups  starstarstarstarstar
This page contains listings for paranormal investigators that are shorter in nature. Check out all our listings to find a ghost hunter near you.

Subham Roy Paranormal Investigator  Not rated yet
I am Subham Roy, an infamous Ghost investigator, I am now in India, and frequently visit other places, to solve and drive away demons from the Earth. I ...

Full Moon Paranormal Society  Not rated yet
The Full Moon Paranormal Society (FMPS) is a small group of paranormal investigators. We work mostly in Missouri to the west and southwest of St. Louis....

S.P.I.R.I.T. Paranormal Consultants  Not rated yet
The Scientific Paranormal Interactive Researching Investigative Team (S.P.I.R.I.T.) Paranormal Consultants have extensive experience in the never-ending ...

R.I.P.A. - Research into Paranormal Anomalistics  Not rated yet

RiPA is probably different from most "ghost hunting" groups out there. For one, we don't do "ghost hunting," we do paranormal ...

- OPI - Overnight Paranormal Investigations, California  Not rated yet
OPI is based in the San Fransisco Bay area, we work the Central and Northern California areas. We are a professional Paranormal Investigations team serving ...

Columbus Ghost Trackers of Indiana  Not rated yet
We are an investigative group out of Columbus, IN. We formed this group because our members are either experiencing their own paranormal activities now ...

K & K Ghost Hunters  Not rated yet
My name is Kym, my husband shares the same name (Kim) only I dropped the "i" and put a "y" in place of it, less confusion that way!

My interest in ...

A Haunting We Will Go Paranormal Investigations   Not rated yet
A Haunting We Will Go Paranormal Investigations of Forney, TX is a non-profit organization here to help with any Paranormal problems. We offer our free ...

Southern Paranormal & Unexplained Research Society-SPURS  Not rated yet
We are a varied group of people with all different levels of abilities. From sensitives and intuitives to skeptics to occult specialists, and have technical ...

Oklahoma City Ghost Club
The Scottish Paranormal Society

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