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Malaysian Paranormal Research

(Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia)



I'm FARWIN JOHN from Malaysia. I'm the founder of Malaysian Paranormal Research. I'm a paranormal researcher who is certified by the Internatinal Ghost Hunter Society. With love and respect, feel free to browse and search for facts and view the journey beyond death with us and experience it with us. Its time to face the truth. Be a better person by understanding life after death which will happen to everyone one day because it's a natural cycle. See for yourself that life does continue after death. It's only a matter of time. Use the precious time to learn the life after death. It can ease a person later on. Think positive and achieve positive results. Be yourself and trust your insticts when it comes to spirituality after understanding the life after death which is a journey to a different realm or a different dimension...ENJOY IT.


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Malaysian Paranormal Research

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Jun 14, 2009
Afterdeath Group in Malaysia
by: Ee Chuan Seng

I belief when human under extreme emotion such as overjoy , too sorrow , shock or surprise , energy will form from that particular moment and hold our memory . This energy is our soul . I strongly belief if we could explore this energy , we will be able to understand the origin of soul-life .I complete this module of "capsule of life" in 1988 and only till few years ago after I learned about internet I sent it to many researher and seems their work is already too far from my work . Eventhough not all my idea same as thiers but I agree all ideas leading to one - that we do survive afterdeath and our soul is a kind of energy. I hope you could involve in this "club" since not many people interested to know afterdeath . But to cancer / AIDS patient the knowledge on afterdeath is maybe the only thing they interested .I wanted to start this club not for any commercial gain or other intention but soiely to change people perception about death and face death without fear in the same time help each other including me face our own big day .
Buddha in his last word " All composite thing pass away , strive for your liberation with diligence" .
pls help to find those interested .


Jun 13, 2009
Greetings in peace,love and light ,

Hye Mr.Ee Chuan Seng, Greetings in peace,love and light. I will support you in achieving the club that one day will show the world the truth of life after death is not a fearful thing but just a continuation of life in a higher dimension. Its good that you are very interested in that topic. I am willing to educate people through my research and so on. You can also start a club, maybe you can also create a website , so that you can share your opinions on life after death. But like i always say, our first journey starts by understanding the spiritual world concept, than only we can go further in what we are searching for.One way you can gain more information is , by doing ghost research , or meditation, and so on that can help make your soul get closer to the spiritual realm. I wish you best of luck in achieving that. I will discuss this matter in our forum board, as i will start the thread and i will have deep discussions there where everyone can join and post their own questions and opinions related to life after death and so on...

Kind regards,

Arwin John

Jun 13, 2009
Afterdeath Study Group in Malaysia
by: Ee Chuan Seng

Dear all , I am serious about this club

Belief me , sorrow does not exist we just hv to understand the natural of life .

Jun 13, 2009
Afterdeath Study Club in Malaysia
by: Ee Chuan Seng

I wanted to start a club / group of people sharing info on afterdeath based on scientific evidence made available on net . The purpose to to eliminate felling fear on death and help those whom suffers from cancer / AiDS . Death is most fearful in life , if we do not fell fear on death image how is our life .
I personnaly belief that is wrong for human to fell sorrow on sickness , old age or death at begining . We should understand we are a form of energy that ftransform from one form to other and death , sick ,old is NATURAL. Those whom interested kindly contact me at [email protected]

Jun 13, 2009
Afterdeath study Group in Malaysia
by: Ee Chuan Seng

Dear Sir , I plan to start a club / group of people learning / sharing more info on afterdeath based on scientific evidence made available on the net in Malaysia. The purpose of this club is to understand more on afterdeath and eliminate fear on death. If we not not fear death, life will be total different.

I personally believe that humans are wrong to feel sorrow of sickness, old age or death, we should understand that humans are part of energy that transform from one form to another and death, sickness, and old age is natural. I hope soon this club could confident about afterdeath even help those whom suffers from AIDS or Cancer. If interested pls let me know ***email removed. emails are not allowed on this site. - Brenda, Webmaster***

Jan 13, 2009
there will be updates soon
by: Arwin

stay tuned,,there will be updates coming up soon with lots of information regarding afterlife experience and more paranormal photos and videos for everyone...Recently i have posted a new article under the article section...please view it..its a very usefull article.....thank you..

Jul 15, 2008
Any latest info on afterdeath?
by: Ee Chuan Seng

Dear Sir , any latest info or activity on afterlife study frm yr end ?


Jun 16, 2008
Afterdeath Study
by: Ee Chuan Seng

Dear Sir , I am so glad that you had started this paranormal site in Malaysia ...I guess I am not alone anymore . Since at the age of ten , I am so afraid of death and so eager to find out what actually happens after we die , at that time with no access to internate , I am alone with the fear . Since then I carry out my own study on afterdeath and you can say that I hd some idea on afterdeath in my own way but I really eager to find out more from others . I really hope one day we can hv a body / club that could discuss afterdeath belief based on more liable evidence so that we could help each other fighting the fear of death. Thanks alot

Apr 30, 2008
A very cool website with lots of ghost evidence. One of the best websites from Malaysia.
by: Jeff

Very cool website Arwin. Keep it up. There are tons of ghost evidence captures on this site.

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