Paranormal Investigation at Flinderation Tunnel
by Michael Anderson
(Salem, West Virginia, 26426)
The story is, some years ago, track workers were working on a piece of track in the tunnel, when a train came around the curve at a speed that was greater than the speed for that spot of track. The three men all ran for the cubbyholes that was there to get out of the way of the trains, and only two men was able to get out of the way and the third man was ran over and was tour up vary bad and body parts were scattered about the tunnel. And after that day, on some dark evenings, people often hear screams and hear the sound of running in the gravel inside the tunnel.
Here's my story of my investigation in "Spring 2010."
I arrived at the tunnel at 8pm Saturday night with some of my investigative tools, such as a digital recorder, laser therm., digital camera, video camcorder, and some trigger objects. I started out the investigation with questions about the work that was being done at the time of the mishap.
With the digital recorder recording and my taking pictures at the same time, I heard footsteps walking by me then the sound of them starting to run. "Okay" that was a little frightening, but I kept going forth with the questioning.
The temp at the time was 42 F. The base reading was 54 F. And my EMF meter was a steady 3.5 and holding. Then all of a sudden I was pushed to the side of the tunnel wall. Now that was a little much. I then asked the question "What are you doing, trying to scare me?" Now with no answer heard with that, I started taking readings with the EMF meter and my franks box. And to my surprise, the franks box stopped at the words "no pushing out of way!"
I'll leave you with just that much to ponder on, and invite anyone who is truly interested in the paranormal, to come on down to Salem, WV and do some investigating of your own.
I warn you, you will find something there, and you wont be disappointed either.
Michael Anderson
West Virginia Paranormal 57
[email protected]