The Artistic Ghost Story Pages

Welcome to the artistic ghost story pages! They are a bit different than our other pages, as they are dedicated solely to our wonderfully talented visitors. We know there are a lot of you out there and wanted to give you some space so you can get exposure. This is a brand new area of our site, so bear with us as we work this out and get this area built. In other words, there may be changes along the way.

These ghost story pages are literary works, and are different from our Real Ghost Stories section. This space is for people who are trying to make their mark on the world with their artistic bents. If you have something you want to display, please click here and contact us. We will give you instructions on how to email your story to us. All writers of majority (18 years old and up in the USA, for example) and all skill levels are encouraged to participate.

Okay, because this is the internet, we are all subject to oddities and just plain scary people lurking around. This site is not intended for that audience. Therefore, in order to protect our visitors, we must impose some rules. We're sure you will understand.

The Rules:
(Subject to change without notice)

1. The works must be short stories. Poems are excellent, too. Let's keep them to 7,500 words or less. If you have something longer, ask us. We may go for it.

2. All works remain under your ownership, and you maintain full copyright. Ghost stories posted will stay up for as long as we deem appropriate or until you notify us otherwise.

3. All works (poems are completely welcome as well) must be a ghost story as the name implies. There must be a ghost involved somewhere.

4. Spooky is about as dark and edgy as we get. Please, no gore, sex or violence. It's much more effective to be mysterious and spooky than to hack and splatter anyway. Let's respect the dead and the living, we've all been through enough.

5. Expression of one's spirituality is wonderful, encouraged and exactly what we're looking for, however, nothing that violates or endangers religious freedom will be accepted.

6. Anything that incites hatred, racism, cruelty or works to harm anyone will not be accepted. This includes hatred or harm of self. This section is a place to unleash creativity, not beat a drum to hurt anyone.

7. Respect of others (and self) is mandatory.

8. Assume that this is a work that will be judged. Therefore, please be literate and do not submit a ghost story riddled with typographical or grammatical errors. We don't intend to stifle you or demand utter perfection, but people will be reading your work, so you want to put your best foot forward, right?

9. There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit. We want you to be creative, so splurge, people and get writing!

10. Because this is an arena we can control, vulgar language will not be allowed.

11. This is very important. When you submit a ghost story, we assume that you own the rights to such work and that you are not violating anyone else's rights. Anyone found to be stealing another's work in any way will be rejected and banned from any future submissions.

12. We're sorry, but all stories must be written in English. It's merely a matter of mechanics.

13. We will try to give everyone audience. However, we cannot guarantee your story will be published and cannot promise we will respond to everyone. But we will do our best!

14. By all means, spread the word and tell your friends about this page. If you have a story listed, promote it! Feel free to link to it so your friends can find you.

We hope you enjoy this section. We want to be proud of it and proud of you, too.

Happy writing!

Click a link below:

Ghost Story Page 1 The works of Alec Kowalczyk of Albany, New York, USA. Thanks for the ghost story (poems), Alec!

Harbinger The work by Karyne Corum from Leemore, California, USA. Excellent ghost story, Karyne!

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