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The Halloween Forest

by Clare Q
(Belfast )

Annabelle ran through the forest, out of breath. She felt like someone was following her, sending shivers down her spine. Annabelle stopped to take a breath when someone ran out in front of her in a long black cloak. She was so frighten she froze up with fear.

She heard a rumour that if you were to walk through the forest late at night you would see strange things. That�s why the local�s call it �Halloween Forest.� She heard strange noises coming from the trees and the bushes. She ran as fast as she could not daring to look back.

When she got home, she ran straight upstairs to her room. She didn�t say anything to her mother as she would be angry for her walking through the forest late at night by herself. She went to her computer and searched for anything strange that had happened in the forest. It said that 200 years ago a witch put a curse on the forest so that if anyone walked thought the forest they would see and hear strange things that they could not explain. She scrolled down the page and it said that if you were to see a person in a long black cloak it was the witch. She was so worried that she ran down stairs and told her mother what had happened. She told her about all the strange things she had seen and heard that night. She told her that she was never to go into the forest ever again.

But Annabelle didn�t listen and went back to the forest next day to see if anything happened again or if she was just imagined it. Then she saw the bushes moving and walked towards them the witch jumped out and gapped her and pulled her deep into the forest were no one could hear her screams for help. She was never seen again!

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