Well on the 17th of May I was truing out my new goggle maps ,I decided to visit the King's house in Graceland and take a tour/ I for some reason zoomed in on Elvis' grave. I was shocked by what I saw next to Elvis' tomb on the ground. It appeared to be image or apparition of a ghost coming out of the ground.
If you look you will notice sideburns and more features but it is not human. I have also made a clip on Youtube look my Youtube account Iceelvis on the search. I have captured several images before that defy logic other places. Perhaps I am psychic and I'm in tune with spirits.
It's realy nice and it does look like the king but to me looks like it could just be how the grass is. I realy dont tink it's a ghosts!!!
(GOOD JOB)on the pic :)
Jun 06, 2011 Rating
Pic by: siobhan
Wow great pic. Looks just like Elvis.
Jan 12, 2011 Rating
Very Interesting by: Nathan
I have heard that Elvis' ghost has been seen peering out from Graceland. A lot of people have claimed to have seen him.
Sep 11, 2010 Rating
OMG!!! by: Charlie Allison <3
Omg at first I was like no but now....it looks just like him. Great photo *Thumbs up* :)
Aug 02, 2010 Rating
? by: Kate
What the H.. are you takling about???
Jul 31, 2010 Rating
Don't Tell My Mom! by: Mary Jo
Your photo is really cool, but if Mama finds out, we'll be driving back to Graceland....again! Joking aside, I saw Elvis right away. I don't know if it's "for real", but if so, WOW!