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The Face In My Woodstove

by Marti Linfert
(Cincinnati, Ohio USA)

Man in my woodstove

Man in my woodstove

My husband and I bought our first home in October 1992.

My two sons from a prior marriage, lived with us they were 8-9 yrs old at the time. Since it was fall I spent most the time getting the home ready while, the boys were in school and my husband worked.

I always noticed my dog acting strange but chalked it up as the house being her new home too.

About a month goes by and my sons, sitting eating breakfast, wanted to know why my husband was watching them sleep at night. I told them he hasn't gone to the room (which is upstairs) without me knowing it. And believe me I would know..(his snoring) kept me awake for awhile. But it was almost getting to be routine at least one or twice a week. My sons got to the point they were afraid to come downstairs to use the bathroom.

That following spring I was outside clearing around the home to plant flower bulbs. Two of the neighbor ladies came over to meet me, and asked how we liked the neighborhood. We really did like the neighborhood and the kids liked the fact they got to stay in their same school.

Both neighbors wanted to know if we had met our ghost yet, I said, "No... should I have?"

Later during fixing dinner my thoughts of what was said by the neighbors and what my boys kept saying in the morning, were starting to sorta make sence to me a bit.

That summer of 1993, I felt I was ready to start asking questions about my home. Both neighbors had lived on the street since it was built. I asked my next door neighbor and she told me back in the 60's a young guy killed himself in the upstairs bedroom.

I have an upstairs window that in the winter will frost up and form the shape of a man's head. Not only that.. when I got my new Canon Digital XT in Feburary of 2006, I was learning how to use it in the house since it was cold outside. I wanted to get a photo of my new woodstove, it was the first time using it since having it installed. I also wanted to learn how to download my photos unto my computer from a flashcard and all the other stuff that goes along with this camera. So anyway I got a photo of my woodstove and I must show you what the camera captured. This photo has only been resized to post on other boards.

Would love opinions on it... I've posted it on many websites.

P.S.: I thought I would enlarge the photo a bit so you can see the face better.