The Attic

by M

I haven't had many supernatural experiences, though I do believe in the unknown. This one could've been coincidence, then again maybe it wasn't.

I live in a three-story house in the suburbs.
The top floor was an attic that was used as a bedroom which also had a compartment for storage.
My sister, who slept in the attic passed away a few years back.

One night I went up to the attic to get bags( we were going on holidays the next morning). The storage room has a very low ceiling so you have to squat down to get inside. It's lit by one light bulb.

When I went into the room I had to go in quite far to reach the bags. Once I was halfway in, the door shut behind me.

I assumed my brother had shut the door to freak me out, so I went to push it open, but it wouldn't move.

I remember there wasn't even any give in the door, rock solid. I started to get kinda nervous.
Then the bulb went out and I was left in darkness.
I was really scared because the whole time I didn't feel alone.

Eventually I forced open the door and got out. I asked my brother to go in and get the bags instead.

Nowadays I try avoid the attic.

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The Attic

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Sep 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

Wow, you must've been completely freaked out. I would've been. It's very short but it would've been scary. I hope your family looked for you. Is there anything very old in the attic? Something maybe owned by a previous member of the family? Check the house's history and something might come up about it. Try going up again with somebody.

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