Strange reflection in sunglasses

by Jennifer
(Indianapolis, IN. USA)

Sunglasses pic

Sunglasses pic

I was sitting outside the apartment waiting on my best friend to come out so we could leave. Well I was bored so I started taking pics of myself on my cell phone lol. I was only satisfied with one pic, it was the only one I stored. There was no one outside period, anywhere, just me in my truck waiting for her to come downstairs. Obviously I wouldnt have been being a nerd takin pics of myself if someone else was out there lol.

Well a while had passed, and one day at work I sent some pics of myself to my work email to download onto my computer. When I did, I started looking at the bigger pic, (alot bigger than on my phone) and I noticed two faces in my sunglasses. Creeped me out, so I got a girl I work with to come over and look and she saw them as well, then in the left side I kinda noticed a joker like face, not sure about that one, but definitely in the right side.

If you zoom in on the pic you can really see it very well. From the original size, you can also see the reflection of me holding my cell phone taking the pic lol. What do you think?


Here is what my enlarged version of your photo:

Ghost in Reflection

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Strange reflection in sunglasses

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Jun 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

This is fake. There's nothing in your glasses but it'll be alright. Maybe you should come up with better ones ;)

May 06, 2011
by: Anonymous

That is probably just your dad or something. It is not a ghost

Oct 15, 2010
by: sallybay

I like this site specially when I'm bored in my office, its really good for killing time,

Nov 30, 2009
Cant be the building
by: Anonymous

The building spans almost a whole block down, its a huge apartment building if it were the building then there wouldnt only be half of it reflected.....

Nov 29, 2009
all it is
by: Anonymous

is a building that is skewered by the refracting light of the concave surface

Oct 29, 2009
Hi There
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thanks for the pic. I enlarged the view of the area in question. That's very weird. I wonder if there's a way a person can lean through something so their body doesn't show completely. If not, that's quite eerie.


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