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Scratches and Cold Spots - A Haunting

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Dec 15, 2009
Still get scratches...
by: Susan (again)

I am sorry to say this but now it is more than one year since this terror started - and I still get those scratches.

It all started in my old house, that a left some moths ago. But that thing that is giving me these scratches is following me. To my new flat and - to my work! I just got a new scratch here!

I think it is some kind of alien, it cannot be an ordinary ghost....

Dec 14, 2009
bed moved, scratch's, things dropping
by: Brandy S

when my boyfriend and I moved into our first apartment the first week of sleeping in our bedroom, we were waken at about 4am by our bed moving. i live in ohio so no earthquakes. for that whole year we slept in the livingroom. Things stared to disappear, reappear in strange places or not at all. things would drop in the kitchen by itself. So we moved away from there and now him and i keep getting scratches. we never feel them forming just feel the pain afterward or when we get in the shower and they start to born. we have taken pictures and caught a mist forming. our 4 year daughter talked to a imaginary friend she called a monster named aquria and she points in the hall and there is nothing there she has been doing this since the old apartment. we think whatever it was followed us. is that possible? what do i do? im scared it will attack our children.

Jun 21, 2009
Advice to Melissa
by: Susan

Hi Melissa,
Now I haven't had any scratches for several weeks. First a person gave me the advice to talk to that thing/things who gave me the scratches. I did so, said that they ha no reason to attac me. Some days later a priest came to my home and did some blessings. That helped a lot! So no I dont have any scratches and it feels much better at home. But, I have given up anyway so I'm moving out this summrer. Wish you good luck! Hope you get the help you need.

Jun 17, 2009
Tripp Answer to your question
by: melissa

I admire so much what you do - thank you! I still live in the same location where the scratches started occuring. I have only had THAT issue happen living where I am living now. I am relieved in a way that others are having the same thing happen to them but don't know what to do about it. They have my attention I just don't know how to help whoever (or whatever) is doing this to me.

Jun 17, 2009
same here
by: Tripp from South Georgia Paranormal Investigators

My name is Tripp and I am the founder and lead investigator for South Georgia Paranormal Investigators (SGPI). We have recently finished an investigation where the client claims to be scratched by "something".He nevers feels them but yet he can't explain where they come from. He also claims he has wittnessed a glass free floating in two seperate occasions. During our investigation we got tons of EVP'S. We did not get any cold spots, yet the client claims that the attic is cold here in South GA. in June with no A/C in the home. We will have the EVP'S posted to our web site that is under const. and should be up in the next two wks. Georgiaspirits.com we can also be reached at ***email removed.*** I take it you have since moved away from that apartment. Any activity in your new home?

(Sorry guys, no emails allowed on the site. No offense. Please go through to the site and contact him there. - Brenda, Webmaster.)

Jun 02, 2009
Answer to Melissa - and everybody else :-)
by: Susan

Ghosthunters have been recording EVP:s in my apartment to. They also have helped me to remove several ghosts. But still... new ones arrives.

So, I think it has something to do with the house. But I also think that it can be my "opened mind". I'm very sensible and notice things that others may not see, hear or sence. But I really wish that I could get any help to get rid off it all. I tried to talk to them, but once it even got worse. I also tried with that herbal smoke... but still, the problems comes back :-(

Jun 01, 2009
Hey Susan and all
by: Melissa

Susan-I think if you just get your family together and ask the energy to leave and tell it that it is no longer welcome should help. You can also burn Sage around your home and letting negative energy know that it needs to leave and that also tends to help decrease paranormal activity.

My paranormal experiences all started in the old apartment I lived in. I never got scratched in that place but stuff would move and I would record EVP's and get stuff every time! My cat freaked out since the second I moved in and I was always frightened for no reason (like someone was watching me) I think it was my fault for recording the EVP's that increased the activity but it did not start it.

Now I moved into a newly renovated apartment complex that they turned into condos. (Spirits if imprinted in this life get active when renovations occur.) This is the home I have been getting scratched at. I get scratched often and usually they are way too fine to and close together or crissed crossed so I know that my dog, myself or my husband didn't do it. First, I have no finger nails, my dog sleeps all night and her claws are too thich to make that small of a scratch and my husband sleeps on the other side of the bed so it's not him. I have a cat but she's locked out of my bedroom at night. These scratches usually look fresh and have a small amount of bleeding when I wake up in the morning. I wish there was an explanation for this. I think that since i am very very open to the paranormal and after life that spirits are trying to contact me cause I'm sensative. The world may never know

Jun 01, 2009
Forgot one thing...
by: Susan (again)

I think that my problems are connected with my apartment. Because when I went on a long trip to another part of the world - then I did'nt get any scratches. I was so happy about it. Now, one time when I got really angry at this and said some not nice things, then a got a scratch that was bleeding. Then I realized that I had to cool down.

I started doing Kundaliniyoga f�r two years ageo - can that have to do anything with this? Now I dont dare to do it at home.

I also have much "tingling" sensations on my head. It started when the ghostproblems begun.

It's so strange...

I have a cross now, but now I think I will go out and buy a bible. Looking forward to hear more from you others.

Jun 01, 2009
Respons to Melissa:
by: Susan

I have heard the same, that it can be demons or a spriti that tries to get in contact. Or, that it can be aliens. I have also heard that I have had a ghost-cat in my house. So, I don' know what to belive. But it's really scary. I'm writing about it on my (swedish) blogg, because I want to know if more people are experiences the same. One person gave me the advice to start praying, even if I'm not religious. So I started, and I think it helped. Maybe that would be someting for you to?

May 31, 2009
No Emails Allowed
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Please do not post emails on this site.


May 29, 2009
Susan-in response
by: Melissa

Susan-You can always email me with any questions or if you want to vent about anything [No she can't - email removed.] I have been experiencing these scratches and didn't know where else to turn. I still am experiencing them and it is always when I wake up in the morning - they are bright red like they just happened and I hardly notice them until I get in the shower and OUCH! I don't understand why this is happening and what the cause of it is. I have tried to do my own research but it's hard to find any information. Some websites tell you that it's a demonic force and others say that it's just a spirit trying to attract your attention and can do so because you are sensitive if you are able to be scratched by the other side. I am glad that I am not alone. Must be good Ol' WA state-just kidding

May 29, 2009
Wish contact with others
by: Susan

Hi! Is it possible to get in connection with other "victims", I mean people who have this experiences? I also have scratches sometimes...

Mar 11, 2009
A little help to your response
by: scratches & coldspots

To those who read my experiences,
I'm responding to those who had a few questions.I'm sorry, I'm currently getting my criminal justice degree and have been very busy.Anywase; I want to help and though I'm not a professional ghost expert (oxymoron) and who really is.I have had my own theories which since they happened to me i guess i can say and conclude what i feel my theories and explanations are.Over the years, as i have studied and been intrigued with the paranormal.I have had plenty of thoughts and time to really determine what was going on in tht apartment. I have never in my life had that happened.It still scares me to this day.I believe that it was a (diabolic entity)or demon.I believe it never walked in human form.Spiritual Warfare was happening in my place for my soul.Thank the Lord for my protection.Poltergeists can move objects yes.Apparitions can be heard and seen.But I believe diabolic entity's are the far most cruelist,scariest, and will try to destroy your life any way it can.To those who are having the experiances I had, with all your heart and soul grab your bible and bless your house and yourselves. Pray,.If you are a non believer, I would burn sage,and protect yourselves in anyway you see fit.Get out of there if its starting to destroy your home, family and most of all physically harming you.Once again I'm not a professional,not an expert and i can only wish you the best.I truely feel for you.We do not wish for this but you have the power and the choice to rebuke this turmoil.I've been out of there for a few years now and it was the best choice I made.You will neer forget but you can move on.Good luck To you and please undrstand that this was my experiance and if you have to seek a professional or get out!

Mar 09, 2009
what do u think
by: ScaredinNy

we have had some weird stuff happen in our apartment including a manifestation...I asked it to stop harassing my family and it stopped. A few moinths later my husband is having scratches appear out of no where for no reason.One is one his arm and on is on his buttcheek.The weird thing is they are the same formation.And are like welts. Should we move?Are we in danger? He was haunted before by a little girl who used to slam doors and made it sound like all the glass in the house shattered. He moved away.

(Edited **No Email Addresses Allowed, Sorry**)

Feb 18, 2009
Thank you for your story
by: Melissa

I have been trying for days to find out what is going on in the condo we just moved into. I lived in Seattle in this apartment that I know there was a spirit in. I recorded clear EVP's and have many pictures with orbs (Over 20 in some pics) ranging in color and clarity. One of the pictures had an orb right above where my cat was looking. I am a strong believer in the paranormal and study up on it as much as possible. I never TRULY believed it was real real until I had my own experiences. My husband and I moved to Federal Way, WA last month and our condo we rent used to be apartments and I know that the spirit activity increases when renovations have been made. Our condo is SO COLD in some spots only and i have checked over and over again for drafts and there are none-it's always in one spot at a time. It's weird once I was sitting on the couch and my right arm got very cold. My cat was on the arm of the couch and right when my arm got cold she looked quickly over at it.We argue over nothing and I have had constant headaches and stomach upset also.Also, Now I wake up and almost every morning I have these weird scratches on my arms (So far that's the only place.) This is what is concerning to me. I can't scratch myself cause I have no nails at all and on top of that my cat isn't allowed in my room at night. They just appear in the morning bright red. I am starting to get scared that this is an evil spirit and of course my husband won't take me seriously. What's a girl to do-I don't know where to turn. I am starting to photograph my scratches from today on. Thank you for your story!!

Jan 09, 2009
Great story
by: Lp

I can picture myself there. Way freaky... I would love to see those pictures

Nov 19, 2008
Loved your story!!!
by: Char

Really loved your story! Some stories you read they are so made up, you can just tell. I like real true
stories because I have written about my true exsperences it is refreshing to hear about other true stories. This web site I think has allot of good true stories more then most web sites. Anyway excellent story!!!

Nov 16, 2008
Great Story!
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Micah - That was a very scary story. If you ever want to share you pics with us, just make another post and upload them. Call it Scratches and Cold Spots Part II or something and I'll match the pics with your story. There's only one pic per upload, so you'll have to do this for each pic.

Anyway, excellent story! That was freaky.


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