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Ouija Board at IU

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Apr 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

Hey! Just want to add a little tidbit about Dulce. I live here. The Archuleta Mesa still looks the same. Haven't seen any military vehicles or aircraft in a couple of months. The aircraft practice with the updraft on our mesas.

Vehicles just drive by. We don't take notice about everything. Sure people will "see" things in the sky but, a lot of them won't mention they were currently drunk. We do have a lot of ghost activity though at our Go-jii-ya. (Our little celebration. Two clans of the Jicarilla have races. Its a ceremonial thing.)

After the festivities, the celebration still continues. Phantom wagons can still be heard across the valley. Ghosts can be seen walking the old railroad to their homes that do not exist.

Feb 21, 2011
Ouija board
by: Anonymous

I wonder if that spirit is still following you. Anyway I wouldn't ever play although it sometimes seems tempting. I don't know why. But I won't because of so many stories.

Feb 06, 2011
by: Holly Green

I do not think you are lying but my ouija NEVER contacts ANYTHING at all even in a dark room WITH 4 people and candles lit so HOW do I REALLY know you are not lying?

Jan 14, 2011
by: nessa

Wow I totally believe you. But I do want to try it anyways though. I like playing ghost games lol

Jun 20, 2010
I Remember
by: Anonymous

There was this time that my sister and I were into saying spells and weird stuff like that. Never the Ouija board, but spells.

I have been getting these weird chills too - like warnings. It?s frightening, and they kind of do tell you things, like don?t go that far, etc...

So when you mess with stuff like that it stays with you waiting, and you need God to make it leave.


Jun 19, 2010
To Anonymous...
by: Anonymous

You are more than welcome for the scary story. I seriously could not even come close to making this stuff up. I mean it is so random and strange...I could never even whip up such a story. So...Not a problem...I am glad you enjoyed this as it is a scary story.

I always tell this story, and I try to remember every detail anytime there are people telling ghost stories...And 100% of the time, females always stopped me in the middle of it...Not wanting to hear anymore and have nightmares. I mean if you can see me tell it in person...I am sure you would believe me. I directed some of the guys that were there at iu in that room...To this very link...So perhaps some of them will comment and back me up on what really happened...But I would never count on them.

I would take a polygraph any day of the week and pass with flying colors. We all saw up to 5 people absolutely freak out and storm out of the room. 3 of these people fainted...Including me. I have never in my life fainted before or since. I would stay away from ouija boards...It is my belief that it is a doorway to the devil himself. Not spirits or ghosts...The devil will trick you into wanting to play with a ouija board...Don't fall into the trap...Trust me on this. I know people get curious and bored...But if you google search...I am sure you can find even more people that had a horrifying experience and would tell you the same thing...Stay away from it...Do not have one in the house...You do not want to open this door. Multiple voices? No there is only one devil who can speak in billions of voices...Evp or not. You play with a ouija board...You are asking for the devil to potentially possess you, make you sick or dizzy...Make you faint or pass out...Scare you, hurt you...Hunt you...Get inside your nightmares...Damage your psyche...Damage your brain...Damage your soul...Or do what he did to us...And exert his power upon each one of us. God only knows if he remains in some or all of us or if he exited. Within an instant...I was scared by the moaning which kept getting louder...Like someone was walking towards me...Then it get so loud and so close...That I actually felt a breath in my freaking ear...With no one standing even near me....Then I get the chill....Then I am frozen...And just flat out...Stunned...Totally dizzy and fainted all within about...2 or 3 seconds. But seeing my friends' faces when I came to was the freakiest part...You should have seen how scared they were...And I was in shock.

Jun 19, 2010
Paranoid or Paranormal.
by: Drake

I would not even play with spirits on the internet. Paranormal or paranoid...no idea...I have a feeling it will let you know if it is paranormal...but on the devil's terms and time. Now...if you do believe there is something paranormal going on....I would suggest...burning some sage in your home...and never open that door again. If the sage does not work...seek help. After what I experienced..."playing with spirits" period...is like inviting the devil into your house in my book. I mean...it reduced me to NOTHING SO QUICKLY. I was absolutely in total shock until the next day. I actually shook for hours afterwards and could not even come close to falling asleep FOR HOURS. I SHOOK...WHICH NEVER HAS HAPPENED BEFORE OR SINCE.

Read this again...if you want this to happen...then play around with spirits.

I heard the ghostly groan...and it went DIRECTLY INTO THAT EAR...MY SHOULDER POPPED UP TO MY EAR AS A REACTION TO IT...THEN...a cold chill went through me...and BOOM...EVERYTHING JUST WENT BLACK.

Jun 19, 2010
Stay Away...
by: Drake

Looking back...I wonder if it was the time and place we did it. Now if I had read this story...I am not sure if it would scare me or not...maybe...but all I can tell you is this: it was WAY WAY SCARIER scarier in person. I cannot even put it into words. Like I said...when I was on the floor looking up...everyone all freaked out...asking if I was ok. Holy God...you should have seen their faces. THEY WERE TERRIFIED AND SO WAS IT. THE MESSAGE WAS CLEAR...we messed around with the devil and he made sure to let us know how easily he can get in. That cold streak before I fainted...I never felt before...it felt like something came into me...and my system could not even handle it. I keep myself in good shape...and never felt faint before. I got up and got the hell out of there as fast as I could and told them to do the same. When I asked them if they heard that groaning noise...and they said no...YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN MY FACE.

Jun 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

I believe in all this stuff, but have been getting really curious about ouija boards lately. I thought about looking for one, but now that I've read this I don't think I'll ever even touch one. I'm sure if I blieve you or not, but you seem pretty honest in your warning and freaked out. You may have just saved me from a demonic encounter (my worst fear, though I'm really curious) and I thank you SO MUCH. Even if you did scare me half out of my wits, I have to thank you for the terrifying but logical and possibly life- no, possibly soul-saving warning.

Apr 19, 2010
does the Ouija thing work on internet
by: Haunted or nervous breakdown

i remember playing a game (about last year) it's ask the spirits and i somehow angered it and now i here familiar noises but there's no one there like a car crossing our house but there's none. And i feel like someone is watching me each time i use the computer. Creepy or paranoid?

Apr 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

that was the scariest story i've read in this site. THANKS MAN!!! i think i caught the chills you were talking about

Feb 02, 2010
by: Drake

Charlene...thank you for sticking up for me. I also neglected to thank you for your story. IT MADE THE HAIR ON THE BACK OF MY NECK STAND UP LIKE MOST OF THESE I HAVE READ ON HERE. Oh...I have seen a few videos on You Tube that were like your story. I say search 'Ouija Board' on You Tube...and watch a few of those...and do not do it yourselves...that way...you can still have fun being scared...because who does not love a good ghost story...especially at a sleepover, right?? Everyone...thank you for your great stories. I love this site!! I shared my story, because when people hear it when I tell them...I can see by the look in their face...how scared they would get. Especially since when I tell it...I get goosebumps and I GET SCARED LIKE I AM RIGHT BACK IN THAT ROOM AGAIN. MY EYES EVEN START TO TEAR. Most girls just stop me in the middle of it, as they cannot handle it. Hey and I understand how some people don't believe this stuff too. I did not before that night. I also understand curiosity...it is purely human nature. Just be careful out there.

Feb 01, 2010
My dream.
by: Drake

This serves as yet another warning. There is one last thing I neglected to add to the story. Years after the 'Ouija Board Incident at IU', I had the most intense nightmare I have ever had in my entire life. The devil came after me in my nightmare. It was so realistic. He was over 7 feet tall, with black eyes and sharp fangs and dressed in a long, white robe...and there were 2 gigantic horns coming out of his head. To make a long story short, in the dream, he did not want me to make a speech on creationism vs. the theory of evolution. I did the speech anyway. So he came after me the next night (in my dream). He jumped on me and was choking me. I WOKE UP...FREAKING CHOKING...WITH MY OWN HANDS...SQUEEZING MY OWN NECK!! STAY AWAY FROM THOSE EVIL THINGS. THEY SHOULD BE BANNED FROM STORES. PERIOD.

Feb 01, 2010
Think about inviting God into your life...
by: Drake

Man...I am sorry I missed your story, as I have not been on this site for quite sometime. That is scary. Tarot cards, huh? Hmm. I am scared of those too. Honestly, I was raised Lutheran. God is in my life...I have strong faith, but my curiosity got the best of me when I was in college. I learned my lesson. My old pastor told us if the devil were to ever appear to say, "IN GOD'S NAME LEAVE." However, (and this goes to everyone that comes across this site), the devil is very powerful too. If you open the door for him to come into your home, it may take years and years to wake up and realize you have become a whole different person as a result. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. I am sure God was not one bit happy with any of us, either. I WAS WARNED NOT TO MESS AROUND WITH OUIJA BOARDS, BEFORE THAT, SO I KNEW BETTER!

Feb 01, 2010
by: Drake

Rose, I understand if you and your friend are curious, and you wanted to give her this as a present. I advise you NOT to buy one. As I understand it, you are inviting the devil himself into your life. I was curious too, and I look back to some of the things I used to do...and I was reckless back then. I would not even go NEAR of those things again. People say "I talked to a ghost/spirit"...etc. IT IS NOT A SPIRIT...IT IS NOT A GHOST...IT IS THE DEVIL. PERIOD. IT IS A DOOR FOR HIM TO ENTER INTO YOUR LIFE. LEAVE IT SHUT. Remember the movie 'The Exorcist'? Well Director William Friedkin had 40 priests on the set that were present at the real exorcism. In real life, it was not a girl, it was a boy, who is still alive today, and THE POSSESSION STARTED WITH A OUIJA BOARD. I am begging you...please don't mess with it.

Feb 01, 2010
by: Rose

hi i was wondering i was going to buy a Ouija board for my friend for her birthday, she is tottally into this kinda stuff, and i an a little shaky.it is going to be a sleepover, and they were planning to play it at midnight and summon spirits. but if i am not playing then will the spirits get angry and will they huant me. plz reply its this saturday!!

Dec 06, 2009
Playing with an Ouija Board
by: Anonymous


I've never played a Ouija board, automatic writing, or other kinds of divination. (I did sit for a reading with someone who was using Tarot cards. I didn't really know what was going on.) In 1976, I have had a very close encounter with what I believe was a demon..., others know them as Shadow People. I nearly collided with one while I was sneaking around in the dark after coming home very late from a date. I was nearly 19 yrs. old at that time. I'm in my fifties now. I had a couple of Sleep Paralysis cases then, and only recently had one again. My oldest brother and I would see these small "shadow" things in our room at night; we were only 5 or 6 years old then.

We were raised Christian. That fact didn't prevent us from being exposed to a little bit of the "dark side," but I can safely say that when I am in real danger I simply ask Jesus help me.

Like an old oriental woman once said to strangers passing by, "don't talk to the dead, and never invite them into your home." They are hard to get rid of once they move in. I'd recommend a little research on demonology from a Christian perspective. Using a Ouija is an implicit invitation for spirits into your home and life.

Think about inviting God into your life.

God Bless

Jan 21, 2009
Holy Screaming Tarot Cards Batman.
by: Drake Dietrick

I think LC is hot.

Jan 21, 2009
Burning Tarot Cards
by: LC

I don't know about having 36 hours to live if you hear a Ouija board scream whilst burning it, but I did burn a deck of tarot cards, together with a friend, and we both heard screams. Apparently I'm still here, so I had longer than 36 hours to live. That was about 20 years ago. Or, I'm a ghost and you're not really reading this. I completely agree that Ouija boards are pure evil.

Jan 19, 2009
Ouija Tips
by: Drake Dietrick

Ouija Tips:
#1 To get rid of an ouija board, break it into seven pieces and sprinkle with holy water...then bury it!

#2 If you try to burn an ouija board, whoever hears the board scream has 36 hours to live - DO NOT BURN OUIJA BOARDS!!!!!

#3 If using a glass planchette, always cleanse by holding over a burning candle.

#4 Never play alone.

#5 Never play in a graveyard.

#6 Sometimes an evil spirit can permanently inhabit a board so no other spirits can contact.

#7 Purposely move the planchette around in a circle on the board for a moment or two to get it "warmed up".

#8 Always say a prayer to welcome the spirit.

My advice to you is to destroy the board. Not only that, but do not buy into the crap about you cannot close the door. A spirit attempts to feed off your emotions. That's why you hear about people with ouija boards and other magics getting posessed, while people who are devoted to God remain safe. You need to do a couple of simple things. Get a Bible, say the Lord's prayer, then ask for forgiveness and protection. You may also want to sprinkle salt around your house in a circle for purification. Salt is well known as a purifier. That easily.

Jan 19, 2009
Burn the ouija board?
by: Crystal

My friend said burning the ouija board will curse you and spirits will follow you unless you have a priest, priestess, or monk to help you.

Jan 11, 2009
my experience with the ouji
by: Anonymous

I believe you , I once played the ouji board with some friends while we were still in high school at my house but outside because I didnt want the thing in my house , anyway when we played with it , it went crazy and started calling me all sorts of bad names ,it said it didnt like me because my grandmother was a minister, and when we asked who it was it said it was the devil. After that I didnt play it but my friend did alone too much and her grandma found out and took it away and burned it , and from what I heard it took awhile to burn it , but when it did it burst into bright blue flames.

Jan 03, 2009
o no
by: Anonymous

ok to the paranormal investigator....you do realize that EVP is sincerly dangerous? I've learned my lesson from it. And although I am really intrigued by ouija boards, i will never use one. My 4 yr old wakes up everynight talking about a boy with 2 mouths speaking to her, and I always see shadows in my house. Certain rooms are cold. I love the spiritual, but evp...it's so dangerous. I'm sorry. I've rambled. But what can you expect...it's 1:30 here. And I'm at work...lol....

Dec 30, 2008
I believe this story is real
by: Anonymous

I want to compliment Drake on his narrative and the description on this experience. I believe Ouija boards are portals to different dimensions and not just simple, innocent board games. I have met many people who have used this device and the conclusion is always the same: Don't do it, it is dangerous and real! I hope people will learn from someone else's terrifying mistakes. Thanks Drake for your anecdote and the warning.

Oct 15, 2008
My Weird Dream
by: Anonymous

Man, I am so freaked right now! Right now, I am having weird dreams. Then during the night I heard wierd noises. Sometimes I hear a woman or man's voice I either go to my mom or dad and ask. Man, I am scared!!!!! I BELIEVE! I had a weird dream, it was.I was at my friend�s house playing, and a boy about 10, like me was talking to my friend who was much younger than me. He asked me if the house across the street was mine, I nodded and he said it was haunted, I went inside, down stairs it was oddly cold and I saw a stool and wooden floor and a thing which u make butter from, and I saw ghosts and I woke up.

Sep 01, 2008
Ouija Board
by: beenthere

I believe this story to be true as I had scary experiences after having played it with my friends. We took it a joke and did not show "proper respect" and so we were taught a valuable lesson which still affects some of those involved until this day. Yes, NEVER MESS WITH THE OUIJA BOARD... IT LETS EVIL IN.

Aug 11, 2008
I do think your story is real!
by: Charlene

Hi Drake,
I have used an Ouija board before and it was very scary! I cursed at it because it said I was going to have 6 kids and it flew off the board! My friends made me say I was sorry and then we started playing again and asked it if it was evil and it said yes! We of course stopped playing and it was a sleep over so we were all scared and kept hearing noises and seeing shadows that night so yes I think what you said it real! It is nothing that you want to mess around with. I don't think there is anything good about them that you are just talking to demonds maybe if you do the correct prayers the good spirits can come through but I wouldn't take the chance! The girl that lives next door she played with one alone when she was a teenager and said the thing threw off the board and she could hear something in the corner of the room and it sounded like something was pissing! She has had nothing but bad luck and will be dying from drinking in about a couple of years. A friend that stayed there a couple of times said she went down stairs to get something to drink and seen and old man sitting at the table and he had blood red eyes and watched her as she ran out of the room! I think they do have a demond there because of all the hard luck and how mean this person is when she is drinking! Anyway the hell to all you idots that have nothing good to say why don't you write about something or what you don't have anything real to write about so you have to be jerks to people that do make an effort to sare something! If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all and you don't know what the hell your talking about unless you have gone through something like this! Thanks Drake for the cool story!

Jun 30, 2008
August Deception
by: Anonymous

The 'Nightmare Hall' screenplay has been re-named and re-registered to 'August Deception'.
Coming soon to a theatre near you.
Drake Dietrick

Apr 18, 2008
To Wicked Lester...
by: Drake

To Wicked Lester...Go ahead and hide behind the original name of the band Kiss, Lester, but I know who you are, man. I think you are a mix between Spider Rico, and James Spader in the movie 'Sex, Lies, and Videotape'.

Apr 18, 2008
To Drake:
by: 1paranormalinvestigator

Getting in this field just 'fell' in my lap, so to speak. I've had paranormal experiences throughout my life, I'm just more aware of them now. I've had some pretty intense things happen to me, that are unexplainable and feel that paranormal things happen to those who look for it. Any advice I can give would be do some audio recordings to start off with to capture EVP's (electronic voice phenomena) I've captured many, many EVP's ranging from whispers to out and out screams (those were hair raising). When you listen back on the recordings, you can tell what an EVP is by the reaction to the people who you recorded. I HIGHLY recommend a low number of people.
When you ask questions, wait 15 - 20 seconds before asking another. You know you've caught an EVP when the people in the room do not react to it. For example, if there are two males where one asks a question and in listening back, you hear a female whisper "Hello" and neither male reacts to that "Hello"...you've got an EVP.
Also, pay attention to your gut feeling. You'd be surprised what you will find and/or experience. Hope that gives you more information, Good Luck and Be Well.

Apr 18, 2008
by: wicked lester

I think you were so high and the spirits were just hobbits running around.

Apr 14, 2008
To Paranormal Investigator:
by: Drake

To Paranormal Investigator: Thank you...I just felt terrible having someone think or feel that I was not being sincere. My script is actually out in California for a few contests, so I have no idea if they were for real or not, but I sure hope so, as I didn't mention this entry to anyone. But your point is well taken, and I'm sorry if I took your comments to heart in the wrong way. I was going to ask you if a similar experience got you into the field of paranormal investigation. It sounds so interesting to me. Was there a time that you realized you were a medium, or did your experience lead you to this field? I would love to help anyone here in Illinois, but I never know where to look and learn. Any advice?

Apr 14, 2008
by: 1paranormalinvestigator

My most sincere apologies. I in no way, meant to burst your bubble. It is EXCELLENT that you are able to speak of your experience you had at IU. I do not doubt you had this experience, and I completely understand it took quite a bit to muster up the courage to tell us about it. Of course there isn't anything wrong with trying to make money, especially in this current economy.
After re-reading everything, it has become clear to me that the script was not your experience you had at IU.
Oh, and you just never know who is reading these stories here. Case in point - the producer from California....
Take care, and be well.

Apr 14, 2008
To the investigator:
by: Drake

To the investigator: Thanks for your opinion and insight. I honestly didn't know you were supposed to burn the ouija board! Wow!! In regards to my motivation, I merely thanked the producer for his/her compliments on my script. If I make money on my script that would be great. Without going into details, I really need to, as this is a very bad time for me. Creating a script from scratch was not easy, and if it was to get optioned, and I can pay off some very overdue bills, that is not a crime, is it? Any exposure from this site would NEVER make the script a success anyway unless they had/have a copy of it. All I did was thank him or her. I shared my story, and there is nothing wrong with that, either. I felt good for the first time in a long while, so why attempt to burst my bubble? I just don't understand. You're entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate the comments, but why the mean spirited part at the end? There is no possible way to make money on the script by thanking someone for their compliments on this site, but you are correct in saying that I am motivated for 'Nightmare Hall' to make it. Nothing wrong with that at all. If I didn't say thank you, it would be rude. My warning was not lip service, I really meant it.

Apr 14, 2008
by: Anonymous

A couple of comments: Firstly, concerning Ouija boards - if you don't know what you are doing (as I suspect the boys [at the time] from IU didn't) you WILL invite negativity in. A Ouija board is not a toy or a game. It is possible to invoke spirits using it, whether they be good or evil. Secondly, to the person who said they are throwing their's in the garbage - NEVER throw a Ouija board away. In doing this, you are only passing on what you've invoked in that board on to someone else. The proper way to get rid of a Ouija board is to burn it. In a safe manner of course!
And lastly - Drake, you know how you have that tingling feeling when something is amiss? Everyone is capable of this, it's just a matter of acknowledging it and accepting it. I got that feeling with this story, actually from your answer to everyone. I can't help but feel this is more of a way to make money (via a script) rather than warn people. Sorry, that's my feeling.
Take care.

Apr 12, 2008
Well thank you....
by: Drake

I've said it once...and I will say it again...I was not on acid, meth, or mushrooms that fateful night at IU, and thank God for that! Talk about a bad trip! Sorry to scare anyone's kids, or have anyone lose sleep out there, but just imagine trying to sleep after what really happened back in 1990. To the producer: well thank you....I wrote 'Nightmare Hall'. Glad to see some good feedback on it. The Ouija board story...was included in the script, but told by the character named Dillon. I hope the script gets done, but it will be a monumental undertaking. I expect the men in black and black helicopters to follow me around after it comes out. Most of the script is true, and I was thinking that perhaps I can add some condensed version of that story to this site, which is very scary. I mean UFO's are part of the paranormal by definition. I was going to visit Dulce on my way home from AZ, but after reading about it, I was too scared to go near that place alone. Whomever was there at IU, you know where to find me. I look forward to speaking with you soon!! I love this site. It is so well done. Stay away from the Archuleta Mesa and Ouija boards! Peace, love and soul. Drake

Apr 12, 2008
Nightmare Hall
by: Anonymous

I am a producer in California, and read a script that included a similar story to this one. The script was called 'Nightmare Hall'. I think the script will make it. If you want a good scare...in the future....go and see the movie...'Nightmare Hall'. In fact...google search Dulce, New Mexico or search Nightmare Hall...it will scare you so bad. There are aliens here on earth...they can take you away...replace you with a clone...or leave you in an experimental holding cell underneath the earth...in a place called 'The Vivarium'...or 'Nightmare Hall'.
The script is totally, totally brilliant. Unlike anything I have ever read before. I started reading it, and could not put it down...went straight through. It had me looking behind my back...looking up in the sky...and gave me nightmares. It makes you think very deeply. There is anonymous confirmation of this fact...people way up in the military. Also, declassified documents will come out and mention Dulce. I hear it is the size of Manhattan...only underneath the ground. It sound awful.

Apr 12, 2008
by: Krista Schweda

Thanks!! Now I can't sleep...did the bible scream, or did the guy just start crying? I hear that a bible will scream near a Ouija Board.

Apr 12, 2008
That was the scariest story!!
by: Frank The Tank

Drake...thanks for the advice!! I am taking my Ouija Board, and throwing it into the garbage right now. I totally believe you. Thanks for sharing. I am going to memorize that one...for my next camping trip. We tell ghost stories by the campfire, and I am willing to wager...that one will make people stay awake for hours. I had trouble sleeping last night

Apr 12, 2008
Drake was on mushrooms!!
by: Yukon Cornelius

I think you were either on mushrooms or you are a meth-mouth!! No such things as ghosts or the devil. Stop trying to scare my children!!

Apr 12, 2008
I was there!!
by: Anonymous

This story is true...I was there!! I couldn't sleep that night, and I never went near that room again!!

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