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My Room

by Preston
(Ames, IA, USA)

It was midnight and I went upstairs to get a snack. When I came downstairs, this thing was at the foot of my bed and walked into the closet. I always have the closet light on because my room is so dark with no windows. You could hear it moving around inside the closet. I freaked out and ran into a corner of the living room.

I was texting my girlfriend and she asked if I could peek my phone's camera around the corner of the door and take a picture because something like this doesn't happen every day. So I did it and this is what came out. I ended up sleeping in the corner or what half hour I could sleep under a bunch of blankets. I was 17 at the time of this picture and I'm a wrestler and this thing scared the crap out of me. I'm sensitive to this kind of stuff. I have things happen to me all the time.