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Madame Tussauds London Ghostly Image?

The woman

The woman

The womanclose up

This picture was taken at Madame Tussauds in London in 2008. It is of my hairy head standing next to the genius Albert Einstein.

If you look closely at the image you will see in the background the Henry the Eighth stand. However, looking mid way you will see the image of a lady. When I zoomed in to look at the lady closer you can see her face has blood on it and it seems as though she has scratches on the side of her head. It is very strange.

I am a skeptic on all of this ghost stuff and my logic initally said, reflection and the camera has created red eye. But as I look at the photo more and more it can not be a reflection as you can see alberts reflection overlapping the image which suggests it is indeed behind us.

Another theory I have thought of is that this lady is indeed just another stand. But why is she facing the glass? Weird
I thought I would share this image with those of you who are interested to see what you think.

I can assure you this is not a fake, there has to be some logical reasoning for this.

I have added the close up on this as well so you can see closer.



Note: To me, the image appears to be another display that you picked up in your shot. But I've never been there, so can't verify this. Perhaps one of our visitors could confirm or deny if this is part of another display. Also the blood and scrathces you mention just appear to flaws or shadows in the image. Brenda, Webmaster

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