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Jenny Wade House Apparition?

by Chad
(NN, VA)

I had visited the Jenny Wade House earlier this month (Jul 09). While there as an avid investigator, I decided to bring my IR camera which was set on burst or three shots in a row.

Not much was really happening while there, although did see some chains moving pretty rapidly.

My son was with us checking this place out as you see him in the submitted pic. This was the first of the three pics with the third full of motion and unable to be made out. The second was a normal shot nothing noted as with the first as you see.

This pic from what I see is facing the rear of a woman in period style dress. It appears to have her hand(s) on my son's shoulder(s). He stated after the tour and prior to loading the pics that he felt the light touch of a hand with an icy, tingly feeling.

Let me know what you think!!

Apparition Photo?

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Jenny Wade House Apparition?

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Feb 22, 2011
My Experiences In 1999
by: Anonymous

Went to the Jenny Wade house and didn't know it was haunted. I took the tour alone - no guide. Went to the basement and I could just feel the sadness. I was so emotional I was near tears and I am not that type of person. I knew I had to get out of there. Didn't really know that she died there.

I went and asked the woman in the gift shop if she died there. She just laughed and said, "You felt it too...?"

Strange sad place. In the battlefield I just kept feeling I was being watched and not by living people.

The sad souls of Gettysburg need to rest in peace.

Aug 20, 2009
Jenny Wade House Apparition
by: Keith

I don't know much about cameras. (I Assume that IR means infra red). The solution might hinge on whether the camera was electronic or optical. If optical and on a slow shutter speed it may have caught the image of a sudden movement: hence the blurring effect. All of the blurry lines appear to me as continuations of part of your son's head, collar etc.

Aug 01, 2009
Let Me Know If I Got It
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Chad!

Thanks for the pic!

To make it more clear to everyone what you're talking about, I took the liberty of enlarging your photo (the lower one) and circling what I believe you're speaking about.

Could you please comment here and let me know if I'm correct? If not, could you please resubmit with the proper area selected? Thanks!


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