Highway 30 Ghost Man and His Dog

by Raul Cabrera II
(Wanatah, IN, USA)

Left of Picture By Tree Ghost Man & Dog

Left of Picture By Tree Ghost Man & Dog

My friend was passing by my old house, and it was during a bad storm that was brewing in the sky. There are no birds in the area according to him and his windows were all clean...he snaps a picture of my house and you can clearly see a ghost picture of a man walking his dog...now the house is on a double two-lane highway and we have no room for walking dogs...

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Highway 30 Ghost Man and His Dog

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Jun 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

Good photo editing.

Jun 15, 2011
Bahahaha , at Bumble Bee (:
by: Ghost Huntress

Or is the dog not cooperating with him ? Lol (:

Oct 24, 2010
by: Bumble bee

Is HE walking the dog or is the DOG walking him?

Oct 09, 2010
Ghost man and his dog
by: Poes Crow

Cool capture. Actually, you've got some other things going on, and more spirits than you realize. There's an image of a transparent man sitting on the edge of the porch, and some smaller images that could be children. Apparently, these ghostly visitors were still enjoying an earlier time when there was no highway. Curious to know how old your house is.

Sep 27, 2010
by: TC

It does look very much like a ghost to me but could it be a smear or something on the lens? But it looks very creepy and real to me.

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