Haunting at the SF Presidio

by Ashley
(San Francisco, California, USA)

So the story goes like this....

I felt a paranormal presence was in this house. the Presidio is known to be haunted...But my friend Nick is skeptical about ghosts, so he didn't believe me...it was 11pm and pitch dark. I look inside the house and it was PITCH dark as well...so I told him, "Are you sure you don't believe?" He said no, so I told him I will have proof this place is haunted if I take a picture...he didn't believe so I did and this is what I got...that's a glowing body. And not to mention about 4 orbs flying around.

He STILL doesn't believe in ghosts.

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Haunting at the SF Presidio

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Jun 15, 2011
Orbs = Residual Haunting
by: Ghsot Huntress

Hi there !

Usually orbs DO show the form of a residual haunting, but the reflection could possibly be you?

But that's just a thought (:

May 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

It's a reflection from one of the lights in front of the building. Looks odd I'll admit but I'm afraid that's all it is.

Nov 08, 2010
by: Anonymous

As you can see, the figure is of a young woman. The orbs are just lights. you can see that the figure is solid.

Feb 22, 2010
by: Kelly

Very interesting. I lived on the Presidio of S.F. for several years and my friend's house was haunted for sure. Workers who would come to our home would not speak a word until they were outside and then once they had distanced themselves from the house they would ask us if we had seen any supernatural activity. In addition, my neighbors had some creepy experiences in the old officers club n base before it was turned into a museum type thing.

Oct 16, 2009
Haunting at SF Presidio
by: GrayReb

I lightened up your photo in Paint.NET and can clearly see an image of a person in the window, as well as a couple of glowing orbs. I've circled what I see and can upload it with the permission of our WebMaster, Brenda. Perhaps she can include it with your original photo for comparison.

Oct 01, 2009
by: GhostCoach

The glowing in the window, after recapturing it and blowing it up, appears to be a reflection from the landscape light directly under it.
There arent any other refections in the other windows, because there arent any other lights directly in front of the other windows, from this particular angle of the picture

Oct 01, 2009
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thanks for the pic! That looks pretty spooky.

Maybe someone can enlarge it and see what that object is in the window.


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