Haunted Basin Park Hotel In Eureka Springs, AR

by Mary Jo Fraley
(Moody, TX,USA)

This photo was shot looking up a flight of stairs, so the girl reflected in the window would either have to be floating mid-air, or be standing about 10 feet tall. Also, there seems to be something, or someone else beside her, but I could never make out who or what it is. You can see the top portion of the stair banister on the right side of the photo.

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Haunted Basin Park Hotel In Eureka Springs, AR

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Sep 22, 2010
by: Matt

Yes I see her very interesting

Jul 30, 2010
Details Of Photo
by: Mary Jo Fraley

Hi. The ghost girl in the window is really clear in the right pane of glass. She has black hair that frames her face. If you blow the photo up, you can easily see the details of that side of her face.

As for the other object in the photo, next to her, your guess is as good as mine. If anyone wants to see a larger version of this photo, it is also posted by the ghost tour lady in Eureka Springs at that motel.

Jul 29, 2010
Thanks Again
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Mary Jo

Now, are you talking about the golden reflection in the window? This one looks like the reflection of a lighting source to me. Again, am I missing something?


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