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Granbury Opera House- Granbury, Texas

"Yes,I am John Wilkes Booth!" this is an EVP, (electronic voice phenomona). Where was this captured you ask? Why, The Granbury Opera House in Granbury, Texas!

This theater is haunted by Abraham Lincoln's assassin, the notorious, John Wilkes Booth. Why not Ford's Theatre? Let's take a few steps back in time before he was put on the wanted list...

John was a very popular actor, known north to south during the civil war. He was a Confederate sypmathizer too, but he performed at the Granbury Opera House more than often...

This startling EVP was uncovered by Discovery Channel's Ghost Lab. They got this confession from Booth himself by having a replica of the gun that was used in the murder that made Booth famous and a crowd of seated strangers, waiting for some sort of a show. Is the notorious John Wilkes Booth haunting the Granbury Opera House?

What do you think?

Listen to the EVP for yourself...

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Granbury Opera House- Granbury, Texas

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Apr 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

I saw this for myself, once. And it scared me to death. BTW I love that show, bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 14, 2010
by: Kayla

Wow. That is cool. I will send my team over there. Even though we are kids, we are an awesome team of ghost hunters. Trust me, We will check it out.

Feb 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

this is sooooo scary!

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