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Ghosts and Weird Events

by Dead Eyes

Okay I am young yes, but throughout my short lived life, so far I have encountered many things I would consider paranormal or poltergeist activity.

#1: Once when I was laying in bed I woke up at EXACTLY 6am. I never wake up early so this was weird. I tried to go back to bed and I laid back down. I closed my eyes and the minutes I did, I saw a face. It was a boy, pale and scratched up (no lie this is all true. He had a gun to his cheek and the trigger pulled and his face absorbed it. Then I started hearing a voice and it said "The 47 things I hate about you." It said a few things but by the time it got around 8 reasons, it was repeating itself saying, "And then, and then, AND THEN." By now I was fully awake with my eyes open but I couldn�t move, breathe, of speak. I was paralyzed and I wanted to scream. The sound slowly faded away but I was petrified.

#2: I was lying in bed in the middle of the night and a black face with bright eyes was hovering above me.

#3: I was sitting and it sounded like something fell in my room but nothing fell even though the crash was loud.

#4: I was sitting on my bed and it looked like a figure was standing at the end of my bed.

#5: I get chills all the time and feel like I'm being watched.

#6: I was once standing in my doorway and someone was breathing loudly in my ear.

#7: At a place I went, I was stressed so I decided to sit in the middle of the floor and concentrate. I closed my eyes and with my eyes closed I visualized the room. In the corner I saw a little girl standing there with a white gown/dress outfit, holding a teddy bear, with long black hair facing the corner sobbing about 9 years old. By the mirror a girl with a scarred up face with blond hair and a teal shirt stood fixing her hair and staring at herself. I told the supervisor of us and he told me there indeed was a girl who was about 9 yrs. Old who used to sob and carry a teddy bear exactly like I had told him. It was weird and as for the blond girl, nothing was told about her nor has she been reported to me.

#8: I was just now (9:40pm 2/20/09) talking to my friend on the computer and it logged me off. It logged me off every time I logged on and I got somewhat aggravated so I said aloud, �Stop it! Please.� And it let me log in and it stopped

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