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Ghostly Cemetery in Polk County Oregon

by Bonnie B
(Independence, Oregon, USA)

2 creepy guys

2 creepy guys

I pulled in to an old cemetery to capture pictures of a sunset. I drove to the top of the hill and took my pictures. I kept having this feeling like I was being watched but every time I turned around there was nothing. Dark was setting in fast and I already had the creeps so I started packing up my camera gear to leave. Couldn't shake this feeling like a hole was being stared right through me, so I turned around and snapped two shots in to the darkness.

When I got home I did an auto bright on the pictures and holy #@$*!! My feelings were dead on! I do not have a good feeling about the man on the left of the picture, even now as I type I feel creeped out. Take a look for yourself.

There were many ghost walking about in the cemetery that night. I captured 8 or more. I used a cannon 8.1 megapixels digital camera on portrait setting (if that matters). Most of the graves here were from the early settlers of the Oregon trail. I am to afraid to go back to see the names on the graves of where the ghost were standing.

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Ghostly Cemetery in Polk County Oregon

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Jul 18, 2011
Grainy Imagry and Paredolia
by: Svenly

Honestly, this image is far too grainy to see anything. I think the images that the comments below me state seeing is a case of paredolia (sp?), where you're seeing faces out of things that aren't really faces, simply because the brain suggests it.

Jul 02, 2011
More Than 2
by: Anonymous

I don't know if any one else saw this but near the middle of the photo I saw 2 more faces a tall thin lady in a long dress and she is holding a child in a onsie (spelling) Thanx for reading I have no idea if it is really there or not:)

Jun 18, 2011
by: Anonymous

The story was great but you can't make out anything in the picture.

Jun 14, 2011
Are you positive?
by: Anonymous

This is just a suggestion. It is possible that those could be orbs (which also could be shown as a residual haunting) I do see a few orbs, as a matter of fact. They could also be bugs . . . But the bug idea? Yeah, I'm not liking that so much.

Jun 12, 2011
by: M.F.I.S

If you can notice there are not just two, there are 4!!!! One siting in the left and three in the right. Anyone notice?? I have never belived in ghosts but this is sooo strange.

May 15, 2011
No ghosts here, try again.
by: Anonymous

What you see are floating specks of dust near the lens when the flash popped. Sorry, no ghosts here.

Oct 02, 2009
Two Ghosts
by: GrayReb

The figure on the left of the photo is a young boy, perhaps 8 to 10 years old who appears to be smiling at the camera. The figure on the right...maybe not so nice as he seems to be scouling; due to the grainy texture, it's difficult to see, but after enlarging it in Paint.NET, I could clearly see the top half of the young boy. Great capture.

Sep 21, 2009
EVP--Lache House
by: Anonymous

As I was listening to the EVP recordings of the Lache House, right after the greeting of "Hello", which was plainly heard, I also heard something that sounded like "What are you doing here?" or maybe "Why are you doing this?" and faintly heard a sigh.

Sep 15, 2009
Hi Bonnie
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thanks for the pic. I'm sure your experience was unnerving. I got chills just reading about it.

However - and I'm sure you know this - the graininess of your photos is too excessive to determine what those spots are. Even when clear, it is impossible to make a paranormal adjudication from a pic alone, let alone one as grainy as this.

It is creepy, though. All I can say is: you may be right, and then again . . . who knows what that is?

Thanks again!


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