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Ghost Legends of Virginia

The Wythe House is supposedly haunted. The story is strange indeed. It started with a breezy summer's night. The Governor of Virginia had presented an invitation to every wealthy person in Williamsburg. So with invitation in hand, wearing tall, frilly wigs, the wealthy men set out with their dates faces masked with powder. They paraded down the street to the governor�s palace, which was just down the street. One guest was Lady Ann Wythe. Everyone was having a wonderful time at the grand ball except Lady Wythe.

Then an historical mystery occurred.

It is unknown what frustrated Lady Ann Wythe, but she ran from the ball and in anger came down the street running and kicking. She got to the steps of the Wythe house and with one forceful kick into the air, one of her beautiful shoes was thrown off. She ran inside the house with one high-heeled shoe.

The slaves were quietly putting away the dishes and heard Lady Wythe come in, but her one shoe made them think a pirate was in the house to rob them. So the slaves hid, and Lady Wythe ended up throwing herself over the balcony in anger. That is not the end of Lady Wythe, she later on died in childbirth.

Lady Ann Wythe is rumored to haunt the house that she threw a temper tantrum the night of that grand ball.

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Ghost Legends of Virginia

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Sep 10, 2010
Wrong Lady
by: Anonymous

It is Lady Ann Skipwith not Lady Ann Wythe.

Aug 08, 2010
by: Trish

I heard this story or something like it, but what I heard was she was sitting at the end of the table with a look of horror before her freak out. After she had left a gust told the master that he saw an evil entity whispering in her ear to kill everyone. Not wanting to do that, she freaked out and ran.

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