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Fortney Graveyard Ghosts

by Columbia Paranormal Research Society
(Columbia, MO)

We were asked to investigate happenings at a neighbor's farm that had a graveyard on the property. The Fortney graveyard which are members of his family. We captured one major pic while taking pics of the sunset sky. The owner stated when we showed him the picture, right away that it was �DEBBIE� who died in 1957 and that she looked exactly like the spirit in the picture. There were 4 spirits captured in one photo.

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Fortney Graveyard Ghosts

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Sep 01, 2010
by: Celeste

He said Debbie looked exactly like this picture? Smoke? I don't see anything in this pic at all. They say people will see anything in everything if they want too. For example look up at the clouds and see what you see compared to what others see.

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