Elkhorn, Wisconsin - Peck Station Road

by Nick
(Barron, Wisconsin, USA)

The Reputed Phenomena: People report hearing the sound of a phantom train whistle in an area where the railroad has not been in decades.

The Investigation: The original Peck Station has been converted into a private home. In the backyard sits an original Northern Pacific Railway caboose. The railroad tracks are long gone, and the trains have not passed through this region in many decades. We were unable to find anyone who could provide a firsthand account of having heard the phantom train.

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Be aware that the former Peck Station is private property and under constant surveillance. TRESPASSING IS A CRIME! UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS FOUND ON THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SUBJECT TO ARREST AND PROSECUTION! If you have any information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for trespassing, please call the Walworth County Sheriff's Department (non-emergency) at (262) 741-4400 or Elkhorn Police Department (non-emergency) at (262) 723-2210

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Elkhorn, Wisconsin - Peck Station Road

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Jul 09, 2011
by: Anonymous

I live near there too. Not the wind. I thought it was the trolley that I heard. And my horse doesn't want to go near where the tracks used to be.

Jan 25, 2011
Steve Markham
by: Anonymous

The whistling you hear is from the wind sailing through the ears of the empty headed caretaker of the property

Aug 01, 2009
by: Anonymous

P.S. That caboose was brought in and has no relation to the original train station whatsoever. The whistle is the wind across the open land!!!!

Feb 16, 2009
i've been there too
by: Anonymous

lol valentina? is that you?

Jan 26, 2009
Peck Station
by: Anonymous

This should be taken off your site. I believe in ghosts, but this is my Grandparent's home and I have spent a good portion of my life here. I also played on those tracks when I was a child. None of us have ever had any experiences here. This is completely false!

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