Devils Tower
by Edgard O
(Concrete, WA, USA)
Face Looking Down
The Devil's Tower is part of an old quarry mine in Concrete, WA. It closed down in the 60's, and now it's covered in graffiti and is falling apart.
We went up there on the 4th of July, and my sister said she saw something walking past one of the windows. So we all high-tailed it out of there. Well we went back up about 3 weeks later on my birthday for a more thorough investigation. I'm a bit of a skeptic myself, so I took a bunch of pictures, and I looked them up and down for any signs of something "paranormal". I just about gave up when I saw this picture. I'm not sure if it's a face or just another spot like the other ones, but when I zoomed in, it looked somewhat like a face, and upon looking closer, it almost looks like there's an "x" below it, like a skull and cross bones kind of thing. I'm not really convinced with all this stuff, so if any one has any ideas on what it is, then feel free...

I have circled the face so you could see it now if you pay close attention. And it is like 9 ft up in the air.