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Dead Husband Waits for His Wife

by Laci F
(North Carolina)

Ghost Face

Ghost Face

My husband's grandmother was on hospice and was expected to pass away anytime (she has since this pic). My husband's grandfather died a year before this pic was taken, they were married for over 60 years. He loved her dearly. In the pic if you look to the right where the dresser is you can see a silhouette of a face. Also what is really fascinating is that the eyes are red like the flash caught them. I took it with my digital camera. I believe it was him waiting for her to come join him.

Note: I obscured the image of your grandmother out of respect.

For more information regarding evidence of life after death, we recommend this book. - Brenda, Webmaster)

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Dead Husband Waits for His Wife

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Jun 13, 2011
Just read
by: M.F.I.S

If you watched (the doctors)show they explained why your eye becomes red while taking a pic. It is because you have a red vain in your eye so when you take a pic the flash comes straight to the eye to this vein and makes your eye red. You can avoid this by looking await several sec before taking a pic. And for the ghost it is just light. Don't be afraid :d

Oct 26, 2009
Dont Think So
by: bud

i must say that I believe its a clock facing backwards and reflecting off the wall.if it isn't then its pretty interesting but thats what I believe.

Jun 05, 2009
Photo's And The Dead And Almost Dead
by: Jenny

This has also happened to me and my family when
my grandfather passed away. He was on hospice and laying in the hospital bed they sent for him and my brother was sitting next to him and my mom took a picture of my brother next to him and when the picture was developed on the side of my brother's face was an image of my grandfathers wife who died a couple of years earlier of MS. I'll have to look for the photo and send it in to be posted on here.

Apr 26, 2009
Ghost Waits For His Wife
by: evelyn

That is soooooooooo weird

Mar 15, 2009
This is true
by: Anonymous

I am sorry for your loss. I have seen this three times and I know that it is true but I saw my mother two days after she passed and the the whole family saw her walk through the house while we were sitting around talking. We all saw it and she looked just like the living. If we didn't know she had passed we would have thought it was just another person.

Mar 06, 2009
by: J.Woolford

This is intresting, hard to spot when you dont zoom into it...

Mar 03, 2009
sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

You can clearly see the profile of a man’s face and I think what you've captured is truly amazing. Best regards.

Feb 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

Sorry for your loss he must of been a real good man!I do believe what you saw. What did you say when you saw it? Did you get really freaked out I did?

Feb 25, 2009
Thank You
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Thank you Laci for this photo.

I'm very sorry for your loss. While I believe what you see may be matrixing, I also believe that loved ones can visit and offer their support. Once again, my condolences.


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