halloween  |  ghost games

Dartford Cemetery

by Jeffrey P
(Oak Creek, Wisconsin)

This is a picture of the smoky sign, yet  no smoke was there <br>when we took the pic

This is a picture of the smoky sign, yet no smoke was there
when we took the pic

Last week a couple friends and I took a trip to Dartford Cemetery in Green Lake, Wisconsin. We spent about an hour and a half there. My wife and her friend got sick and left the cemetery within 20 minutes. Two of my friends stayed with me by the mosoleum and were chilling. I heard a female's voice at times when there were no females present, my friend rob also heard footsteps alot. Another weird coincidence was that the cemetery was divided into two parts, a new cemetery and an old cemetery. We really weren't sure which was which so we went to the new cemetery first. At the new cemetery we walked up the main road and within five minutes we realized we were in the new cemetery. My friends wanted to go to the old part of the cemetery, but for some reason I said, "No, lets walk up to the top of this road," which stood a monument. The monument had about 10 names on it and one of them was PAUL PAGEL, which is my middle name and last name. After that happened, we went to the old cemetery. Nothing too crazy happened there until we started looking at the pictures when we got home. We noticed alot of smoke in a picture of the Dartford sign, yet there was nobody smoking or no fog. There is also a face that can be made out in the smoke. There was also smoke in a picture when were standing on top of a mosoleum.

I'm definitely going back in Spring '09 when it's not so cold.

Below: Here is some additional pics from the cemetery. I know there is alot going on here. I highly recommend this cemetery for anybody in the Wisconsin area.

Note from a neighbor - STAY OUT!:

If any of you have information as to who vandalized the Dartford Cemetery, there is a substantial reward being offered for information leading to an arrest. Please call Green Lake County Crimestoppers with any information. THE POLICE PATROL THIS CEMETERY FREQUENTLY,IT IS POSTED AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A FINE AND CITATION FOR BEING IN THE CEMETERY AFTER DARK. The neighbors are watching and will call the police if anyone is in the cemetery after dark. Motion sensor lights will be in place.

Comments for
Dartford Cemetery

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Aug 14, 2011
Dartford Cemetry
by: Anonymous

Well, one thing is sure for me: I don't believe in ghosts!

Jul 24, 2011
My experience
by: s.w.p.x

I went there and saw something!!!

Jul 23, 2011
by: sid

It's so scary but I want to go there!!!!

Jul 10, 2011
My view
by: Anonymous

Yes I do believe in these things. I haven't seen these things yet but I believe that these do exist. There is another world which is hidden from us but if we try we can contact with them. But it may prove fatal for us.

Jul 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

Yeah I saw "A Haunting" too. so I searched it up and I found this. So I doubt these are fake

Jun 23, 2011
Just a note
by: DrPizza777

I realize that you are all interested in the fun thrill of old cemeteries, but you have to realize that demons and spirits do in fact exist. Most people do not realize this until they experience it themselves, usually having a strong reliance on God afterwards. It's best to stay safe, and to stay with God. He loves you, and will protect you from any danger. The slightest invitation is the devil's key into your heart. It is always good to stay safe and keep the lord guarding your heart. Guard your hearts. Love, Matthew.

Jun 02, 2011
I Love Haunting Show
by: Anonymous

Hey I see the haunting show on Discovery and then I realized part of the story is quite more interesting than the other. Here the story of two child and their interesting death. The story and their connection of an ancient man and his death make it quite interesting. So please keep it.

May 18, 2011
Photo Mistake
by: Anonymous

These photos could be fake and the person who took them might not know it if there was anything reflective to make it look like mist when the flash went off.

May 12, 2011
Argentinean People
by: Juan

I'm from Argentina, and I see the Darfort Cemetery in Histories of Ultratumba on Discovery Channel.

May 12, 2011
Leave the dead alone, it's a serious matter.
by: Julio Cesar Cossío Gómez

Translated from Spanish: If you or I would not like we were buried to make a circus over our tumbas. Dejenlos rest in peace and not disturb the memory of those who are no longer among nosotros. Me sympathize with the inhabitants of the neighborhood who are disturbed by the presence of much morbidity in the tema. He read your comments and not judge them but to incite the curiosity there is another cosa. creía excessive rather more serious finding files on the matter.

May 12, 2011
Similar places in Colombia
by: Anonymous

I´m from Bogota, Colombia. In Colombia we saw that cemetery and we have some similar places in natural cemeteries of deaths by paramilitaries in the jungle.

The people say that the ghosts are looking for their killer and they appear in front of their killers. They become them in crazy ways. The spirits slip inside them, making them hit their heads against the trees. hahaha. It's funny the victim looking for their killers to madly kill them.

If you want to see really good things, go to Colombia for other life and experiences

May 11, 2011
Oh really?
by: Dartford Cemetery

Leave me alone!

Apr 22, 2011
by: Horror

I actually saw two faces as soon as I saw the picture. I did not read what you wrote before I saw them. Interesting. Also, was it misty out? It could have mist or fog. If it was not you have a very good paranormal picture.

Apr 19, 2011
Misty smoke
by: Rene Accel

Im no photographic expert, but couldn't the misty stuff be something in the film or an effect of flash or other light source caught only by the camera?

Apr 13, 2011
by: brian woodend

The only thing I know about this cemetery was watching the story unfold on season 4 of a-haunting and I find it very interesting but you would never get me in a cemetery haunted or not even on Halloween---has anybody else ever spent a night there on Halloween...?

Mar 22, 2011
Oh Brother!
by: TNT

Weather or not the Dartford story is true, & I'll admit I saw the shows episode, and it was entertaining. However, I'll remind you of God's warning in the bible: "Seek NOT the spirits..."!! If you dance with the Devil you will get burned! Let the dead rest in peace for heavens sake!

Mar 16, 2011
by: im pathetic?

I just posted my experience on my trip two plus years ago. You could be right but you could also be wrong. I would say go experience it for yourself but I don't think its the greatest idea to mess around in that cemetery anymore. Do not enter that cemetery after daylight!

Jan 14, 2011
by: Anonymous

Leave the cemetery alone. It's not for laughing purposes. It's there for the dead to be at rest, not for people to venture im like it's a toy. I have seen it from New Zealand and people should take care of it.

I would like to see people in near future to stop making up stories and stop saying that all the myths are true but if they were I wouldn't blame them for seeing what people are doing to their resting place and I hope they do hurt you.


Jan 12, 2011
Dartford Cemetery
by: Nathan

To Stay Away: chill out.

Nov 29, 2010
A Haunted Cemetery, how come?
by: Anonymous

Hi Everybody

Nice show I saw on Discovery Channel.

I just don't understand how a cemetery can be haunted. I thought the soil was blessed - for me doesn't make sense!

The Unknown person

Oct 30, 2010
We should avoid
by: s k

We should avoid disturbing paranormal powers.
Because they real in this life. When they are angry it will not be good for us.


Oct 27, 2010
Anything is Possible....
by: Photographer in WI

Seeing the show on TV sparked some interest in this cemetery, but I am still a bit of a skeptic.

I know that there are things in this world that are not explainable, yet being a photographer, I do know how easy it is to fool people by editing photos, or other means of "trick photography." It is possible for someone to blow smoke towards a camera or a deep breath (even from one person) can be magnified by the flash on the camera in the evening hours, especially at the time of year these pictures were taken in a Wisconsin evening.

You also have to think it is possible that the camera was picking up the breath of the people in the pics. It's winter and damn cold at night, doesn't take a genius to realize that people's breath is really going to stand out in seriously cold weather.

It has also been proven that when people are going into a situation so believing in something, or scared of something, they start to project see things because of their imagination getting the better of them.

I'm not saying that people aren't being truthful in their photos on these sites. They could have possibly actually caught something, could have truly believed it was, or just have been playing tricks to get their 15 secs of fame.

Anything is possible and can't rule anything out, especially when it comes to photography.

Oct 12, 2010
Very interesting one
by: Anonymous

I have read about Dartford Cemetery. It seems very horrible!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 07, 2010
Get a life
by: Stay Away

You people are all pathetic. I live two blocks from this cemetery, it is just a nice old cemetery in a quiet neighborhood. Since the TV show featured the Dartford Cemetery, it has been seriously vandalized to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars for repairs. Some old (civil war era) stones have been permanently damaged. HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO THOUGHTLESS??? This is SACRED ground, this is not a freak show for entertainment. HOW DARE YOU CLIMB THE MAUSOLEUM as if it is a piece of playground equipment, and then have the audacity to put your photos on the internet. If any of you have information as to who vandalized the Dartford Cemetery, there is a substantial reward being offered for information leading to an arrest. Please call Green Lake County Crimestoppers with any information. THE POLICE PATROL THIS CEMETERY FREQUENTLY,IT IS POSTED AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A FINE AND CITATION FOR BEING IN THE CEMETERY AFTER DARK. The neighbors are watching and will call the police if anyone is in the cemetery after dark. Motion sensor lights will be in place in the near future. Really, just find something else to do with your pathetic boring lives. Why don't you go and get a job? There are many things to bring meaning into your life but sneaking into a sacred resting place in hopes of seeing "something" aren't one of them.

Sep 29, 2010
Just wanna say
by: Imran Khan Mak

As far as I have heard from my friends & from my experience I can say that it won't be wise to be messing with the mausoleum or with the cemetery...

After what happened to my friend and I, I won't be going there ever again.

Sep 25, 2010
I watch this time the storie here from hungary
by: Anonymous

I like the story ... Awesome!!! This is the best part the show haunt if I have chance wish go there and see that its true or not..:) I believe all paranormal things .. Greetings from Hungary
here is my email .. I wold love meet other friends who interested in paranormal ..

Sep 25, 2010
HI to all
by: dhivya

Hi to all. I am very big fan of Discovery Channel. This week I saw that show. It's very interesting and one I like very much.

Sep 22, 2010
It's very interesting
by: vishnu parasad

I will not believe the ghost. But this story is very interesting. I want to visit the cemetery.

Sep 21, 2010
by: Atif

Your website is cool!!! Keep it up! Oh my, salute to your dare I just haven't seen your pictures at top before first comment!! Nice pictures!!

Sep 21, 2010
by: Anonymous

Your website is cool!!! Keep it up!

Sep 21, 2010
by: Atif

Well I've also happen to seen A Haunting program "Legend Trippers".

I do believe in ghosts. Because in our Holy book it is described very clearly that Allah made this world for both Humans and Ghosts. Both are good and bad. I recommend that not to visit any graveyard at night. There are some rules and limitations set by nature and it's better to be remain in boundaries rather to reject them ! Because I believe that playing with fire will only harm yourself not the Fire ! Means that stay as far as possible from this stuff as we don't know how we are effected by these things or we don't know what these things can do to us ? Every work and action looks good in limits ! Not to exceed it !

Aug 29, 2010
Dartford Cemetery

The fantasy perobo NESSE cemitério so afraid.

Aug 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

Last night I saw a serial called Tales From Beyond The Grave, and it seemed to me very afraid, even so I imagine the fear related to the real characters, I'm amazed by the guts that we had those guys to enter the cemetery and see what actually happens on that site.

Aug 25, 2010
by: mikelle

Hello guys, here is a similar story, also in a cemetery, I saw a program on discovery channel with some friends where talking about the case of Dartford.

Aug 23, 2010
The Show
by: sam

I saw the show a haunting and they were talking about Green Lake, Wi and the cemetery. Three kids were playing around in the cemetery.

Aug 18, 2010
Non Believers
by: Anonymous

Hey if you don't believe leave the psychological stuff at home and go there and wait for it

Aug 16, 2010
Fun to go to DartFord Cemetery and be scared to death on Halloween night.
by: Anonymous

As shown on A Haunting "Legend Tripper," I was impressed about ghost hunting on halloween night. This is all about having fun and it's very exciting to go visit that cemetery on Halloween. Would you like to go there like on that show, and would you love to be scared by ghosts???? :-)))

Let's have fun.

Aug 02, 2010
I do not believe
by: abdullah - kuwait

Hi guys

I followed a short film that tells your story with the cemetery

And the fact that I can not believe what I saw, this things are more psychological


Jul 31, 2010

I cant figure why some peoples likes to disturb
the dead don't they have any respect? However I do
believe in supernatural since my childhood I have
my own background with ghosts. In my opinion ghost
can be harmful but it is nothing compare to demons!!! And from what I've heard some demons dwells in that cemetery so please stay away at once!!!

Jul 20, 2010
Flippin' Awesome!
by: Anonymous


This is an awesome photo; the colors I see in this mist makes me think the entity or entities were really trying hard to materialize; did your camera's battery drain a bit after this photo?? I was in another cemetery (my photo I took on this site is from Dartford Cemetery) and I was trying to take a photo of some headstones; it was a brand new camera; I was using it for the first time and wanted to try it out at this Civil War Cemetery here in Freedom, WI; any way; I pushed the button to turn on the camera and the camera would come on then turn off; I was getting frustrated; I finally said out load "Alright, enough is enough; stop messing with my camera; I just want to take a couple of pictures"!!!! Right after I said that the camera worked like a charm; I actually caught a spirit in the photo; he looks pretty solid, but I know he was not there when I took the photo; at least I did not see him with my eyes; but he showed up in the photo; I named him "Ghost Boy"! Ghost Boy followed me home and was messing with me again; turning our Cuckoo Clock from Germany on (We have never had it running because we thought our cat would play with the weights; so we hung it up high so as not to have the cat get at it) anyway it started to go "cuckoo, cuckoo"!! Ghost Boy would hide my car keys on me; I keep them in the same place every day (habit); just things like that! Thanks for sharing your photos:)


Jul 17, 2010
by: Pradeep [hbk]

This is very interesting and spooky. I really wish to see Dartford Cemetery in real. Have to do a lot of research and investigation there. Bye guys ..

Jul 14, 2010
Romania !
by: Romania !

Not disturb the dead might regret jumping

Jun 22, 2010
by: Dodo

I am very sorry that they live in Romania and is very hard to get to America, but if I get the visa I think would be the first place I go. I am very curious and believe in things occult and I want to experience things. And like most of the cemetery and I found all of the Discovery of The Hunting issue.

[Thank you for posting in English. This is an English-speaking site. All other languages have to be deleted. Why? Because I can't read them and make sure everyone's being safe. So please - post in English everybody! Thank you very much and welcome to the site. - Brenda, Webmaster]

Jun 12, 2010
I think...
by: Ezio-Romania

I for one believe in that story. some teens are playing with fire
but I want to climb and the mausoleum and I are excited LOL:))

Jun 11, 2010
dartford cemetery
by: iasmina-romania

heya!I too saw the documentary on discovery about the dartford cemetery,this night actually..preety cool...I'd really like to go there some time ;) :D...

Jun 11, 2010
by: Ioana

i watched A Haunting and heard about Dartford.So interesting,but I'll never be brave enough to do what that 3 boys did.this cemetery is haunted for sure

May 16, 2010
The Dare.
by: Australian

I watched A Haunting last night, and heard about the dare. "If you sit or stand on the mosellum, you get pushed of it" It's true. That cemetery is haunted for sure!

Mar 30, 2010
discovery show
by: sahil

hi guys.... m sahil from india. 19 years old studing in college. first time i heard about dart ford in show called haunting of discovery channel.i like this show very much.when i saw it i got goose bums.i think this was the best episode of haunting. i would like to appreciate all 3 guys who went to dart ford. i would like thanx all members who are related making this hole.

Mar 21, 2010
Dartwood Cemetery
by: Germania

I just watched a DISCOVERY CHANNEL tv show and the episode was about the Dartford Cemetery and the paranormal activity there. I would've never done what you did...I'm skeptical, but I respect ghosts so to speak, I don't like teasing them. So you and your friends were brave to do it.

Mar 17, 2010
Like it but needs more
by: blossomskye1

I am a believer in the paranormal because I have been experiencing phenomenon since I was a little child. I cannot say that your pictures can prove that the so called smoke was from an entity because lens from the camera could have been dirty which may have caused the pictures to have a fog like effect. I am not saying that your experience didn't happen because I know that there are spirits among us, but it does take a lot to prove that validity of it because many things can debunk it. My grandmother recently moved to Wisconsin and lives in Green Lake. As a matter of fact, she lives a mile from the cemetery. I would love to visit her and the cemetery and gather my own investigation because of all the allegations arising.

Mar 17, 2010
by: Anonymous

I hate to say it but this isn't any real hard evidence of paranormal activity. Your pics can be easily explained. Anytime you go to a grave site, at least for your average person, you will feel the creeps and almost as if you are being watched. Our minds play tricks on us as it is. I am not a skeptic of the paranormal or disagree with people trying to prove we're not alone but I do like to "debunk" before writing off every piece of dust as an orb.

Feb 22, 2010
the dare
by: Anonymous

i heard that if u sit on top of the mosoelum, i dont know how to spell it, u get pushed off by a ghost

Feb 15, 2010
by: Emi

Wow...so many comments.Looks like a lot of people are curious about it :]

Feb 07, 2010
by: Jeffrey P

like i said it was a 2 1/2 drive from milwaukee. we got to the cemetery right around midnight and stayed till 1 or 130. the pictures were taken probebly around 1215. we plan to go back with a few friends this spring when the weather warms up.

Feb 07, 2010
Darford cemetery
by: Emi

Hey,what time was it when you guys went there?I can see a face too in the smoke.The eyes and... there's a nose :D

Feb 06, 2010
by: Cristina

Hi, I'm from Romania too! I can see that lot of people watch the documentary lasta night! I think that all they said it's true...I don't know why,but this is what I feel..

Feb 06, 2010
by: Emi

Hi guys!I'm from Romania too!!And last night I saw this documentary on Discovery channel as well,about the teenagers that went to this cemetery and they sat on I don't know which stone and they were pushed off by something.I really don't know what to believe...I think these things are real.It's kinda scary.What do you think?

Feb 06, 2010
!!! For Jess
by: YaMo

I saw just now that you post a picture with you and your husband at the Christmas...the date isn't strange...because it's in this format : month/day/year ... so ... that picture was taken on 29 December 2008 ... my camera has this format of the date, too ;)

Feb 06, 2010
Who knows ?!
by: YaMo

I am from Romania too, Liviu. I saw this story on Discovery Channel...it seems to be real. Who knows the truth ?! ... But it's interesting :)

Feb 06, 2010
Hi friends
by: Liviu

Hi,I am from Romania...and last night i see a video about the darthford cemetry and I don't know....this is real? this cemetery is haunted?...

Jan 28, 2010
by: cat

at first glance the pic of the gate and the dartford name, i saw the face above the word fod. but if you look to your left, where the other part of the xmoke/haze is, you can almost make out the upper torso and face of a young child, he looks to be in a suit from the 1800's

Jan 28, 2010
I believe
by: Anonymous

This is something i will love to see for myself.Don't get me wrong i do believe in ghost and spirits so i am not going to say this is fake until i see for myself.

Jan 22, 2010


Jan 22, 2010
by: tamilselvan

i learned a lot... in discovery channel and i feel ...its a best channel rather than the other channels...but now i got a doubt that they can do anything for a business to show the unreal as real.one second iam scanning myself...what are the thnigs i learned from the discovery channel is true or false...better they must leave the things which is not proved by the science...

Jan 20, 2010
he he he he he he.......
by: Srini

its really a comedy for the ghost. they use us for comedy haiyo.... haiyo....

Jan 20, 2010
nothing then a rumor
by: tamilselvan

if anybody ready to pay money for me...i can be there for a whole night...i got a lot of exp regarding this...and i can prove to the world.

Jan 20, 2010
wow thats intresting
by: Anonymous

I saw this place in discovery channel, i think it must be true :)

Jan 19, 2010
really spooky
by: Anonymous

i saw this documentry on discovery channel, its quite spooky, it really gives me shivers..

Jan 18, 2010
something miracle
by: indran

ya i saw this story in discovery channel so i have checked about this in net same story have been matched with that and picture also the same its interesting story but i think that smoke in pics unreal i like horror movies

Dec 12, 2009
Dark scenes
by: Roger

I've just seen the Dartford Cemetery scenes on TV
here in Brazil and they simply crept me out.
There are some places here in my country which are considered to be haunted too.
I like this kind of horror !!
Ghost are part of our world, believe it or not!!
Roger Vaccaro from São Paulo, Brazil

Nov 19, 2009
dartford cemetary
by: sue easton

we were there last week me and my 2 sons. my 17 year old was just about thrown off that moseleum!! hje had 3 long large scratches and welts on his back-which appeared under three layers of clothes!! I have the pics --something is there-I wouldn't mess around if i were you!!

Nov 14, 2009
possible explanation at Dartford Cemetary
by: Anonymous

As I recall the story as seen on ID, one of the individuals claimed to have observed the names and dates on the tombstones were changing. A current news article reported just south of Chicago in Alsip, Illinois in Burr Oak Cemetery many graves were undug by greedy heathens who were reselling the graves. The remains undug which included human bones, burial vaults, and tombstones where piled in debris fields on the grounds of the cemetary and other bodies were buried in those graves. As I drove past Burr Oak Cemetary, I commented to my wife that at Dartford Cemetery, the tombstones names, and dates were changing. Could that possibly be the explanation of what occurred up at Dartford Cemetary, and could it happen down here at Burr Oak Cemetary?

Nov 14, 2009
ohh yeah
by: Anonymous

i'm from Romania too, and i saw the documentary too, yeah, i tink this things are real, i do reealy belive in ghosts..... i don't know want can be in that cemetery, but i know someting, i want to go there for see if it is reealy true....

Nov 14, 2009
by: someone

Last night, I looked on the Discovery Channel and saw a show about 3 individuals who went to the cemetery. I do not know how to do, were driven from the mausoleum and saw some stones in the back, were 7, and when he looked a second time were only 5. It seems that two stones disappeared. Just saw people who rest in that cemetery. : | a indian, 2 children and a woman. They saw a grave of 1898, which I think was so old. So much! I'm from Romania:) Search and "Road Witch", I heard that one is haunted!

Nov 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

***Post removed for rudeness***

Nov 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

Im sorry but all that fog is not one persons breath

Nov 10, 2009
by: joynemilee8907

that is not of someones breath or a blurry pic its something comin 4rm the cemetery u have 2 prove its someone breathing or a blurred pic but i kno just by loking at the pic its not wut u think lisa

Nov 06, 2009
by: Lisa

The smoke that you see is the breath of the person taking the picture. You should always hold your breath before shooting a picture. This also steadies the camera which eliminates blurry pictures. This is especially important in the dark, when blurry pictures easliy occur .

Oct 18, 2009
Our Experience
by: Lucy C

My family and I were at Dartford last night. When we got there there were about 10 other people there with flashlights and 4 sitting on the mosoleum. One lady had been there three other times and she said she had a voice on a camcorder that said in a raspy voice "I want you in the worst way" Three of us sat on it and saw the crack. We saw the Indian head stone and they put a big rock next to it which we think is from the river bank where he was initially buried. We took lots of pictures but nothing interesting showed up. We would have satyed longer but the police came and told us we couldn't be there after dark.

Oct 17, 2009
by: Anonymous

Ah the joys of the human mind. Matrixing-
"Matrixing is a term we used at TAPS to describe the human mind's natural tendency to find familiar shapes in complex shapes or colors. In other words finding a face in the shapes and shadows of a collection of objects. Ever sit back on the grass as a child and watch the clouds roll through the sky, pointing out the shapes of rabbits or dragons? How about the man in the moon? There isn't really the face of a man on the moon. It is the complex pattern of craters and ravines that causes our mind to form a face. This is matrixing." Something else to think about here.

Oct 01, 2009
Dartford Cemetery
by: Kym Rouleau

The last time I commented on this page was August 29, 2009. On that date my husband Kim and I were going back to Green Lake to the Dartford Cemetery to try and catch a 3rd photo of an apparition, however our efforts were thwarted as the cemetery is now only open from dawn to dusk, however I believe a person can still catch something during those hours, I've seen photos of apparitions that were taken during the day. It was raining that night and my camera lense kept getting rain droplets all over it, we decided to leave. I still have to upload our photos on here.


Oct 01, 2009
by: mingo

i'm a big fan in ghost stories but i seen this one on t.v. so i check it out n by far this is one of the best sites i've seen yet,n i don't really beleive in ghost.

Aug 29, 2009
Dartford Cemetery, Green Lake WI
by: Kym Rouleau

My husband and I have been to Dartford Cemetery in Green Lake WI twice now, each time we've caught apparitions on our digital camera, I will upload them on a later date as we are again going tonight, if I catch something (which I feel strongly I will) I will upload all photos at that time. I KNOW there are spirits in that cemetery, why they hang around I do not know yet, but I plan on finding out. I will post more tomorrow. Can't wait to go!

Happy hunting,


Aug 23, 2009
Dartford Cemetary
by: Jake

I was just in Green Lake, Wisconsin. While there I remembered that Dartford Cemetary was located there, so I found it and visited it. Nothing exciting really happened to me. I sat ontop of the mausoleum and nothing happened. Went by the Chief Highknockers grave and nothing happened. Took some pictures and they turned out normal. Didn't see any shadows or apparitions. I ended up hearing some people talking, but since the cemetery is surrounded by people's houses it just ended up being people talking in their backyard or on their deck. Oh well, I probably just picked the wrong time to go there, when nothing was happening. It's still a pretty cool cemetery to visit though.

Aug 22, 2009
a mystery
by: Anonymous

hi guys im from cyprus a greek island and i watch the show a haunting and it really creep me out...know i dont now if this thing about the mausoleum its true but i would like to try it out..and for the people who dont believe in it its because they dont have faith on it..the ghosts always come to people who want's to see them or their mind play games with them cause they are terrified!

Aug 20, 2009
by: Rodrigo (Brasil)

Eu assisti a um documentario sobre o cemiterio de Darford e realmente esse lugar é assombrado.....

Aug 11, 2009
by: chandler

that is a plausible but i have seen that kind of photo and the haze was much closer and was closer together than this one. it seems to have much more depth and dimension than frosty breath in a shot has. i was up at about 3:33 am and started to hear whispers and they said only one word - dartford. i all most did not cach it i hope to travel there soon with my oldest son and brother any thing we see hear feel and smell will be reported

P.S. this will be fun for we, the pagans of old school.

Aug 10, 2009
by: Mike Eberle

I visited at eleven at night but i never sat on it i was to scared but at least i touched it

Aug 10, 2009
Going to go...
by: Sheboygan Wi

I was just in Green Lake this past weekend but didn't see the show until today about the cemetery... I do plan on going back there one of these weekends to check it out and take a cam as well as a digital recorder to see what I can pick up on it..... I am a believer but my husband isn't so I think it will interesting to take him there.

Aug 10, 2009
Dartford Cemetery
by: Cash CaTroy14

I saw all this on a haunting

Aug 10, 2009
by: ThomasSauce

I have to wonder out there alone one day...

Aug 10, 2009
the mausoleum
by: tasha

the mausoleum is real because there is a thing about it. If you dare to sit on it and the crack shows, a ghost will push you off. so dont sit on the mausoleum. I have been to the mausoleum before {2008}. I just watched the show A Haunting. It was the one about Dartford Cemetery. I love the show A Haunting.

Aug 10, 2009
I love to go!!
by: Blase

I wish I could make the trip, to see for myself.
Maybe when my kids get older I will go. Love the show.

Aug 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

actually to let you know, night time is the time when most evil spirits come out..because its dark and thats the time they prowl..i was at dartford and saw 2 kids satring at me and my friend..we had no clue wat to do so we ran to the car,as we weree running my friend tripped and yet again we saw the 2 kids in front of us like 40 feet..how could you explain that..througout the time there you could here noises and crackling sounds,,i also have a couple pictures with smoke around the area and also you can make out some figures...evil comes out in dark...thats why good is always light..believe it

Aug 10, 2009
Legend Of East Hill Cemetery
by: Dustin Brooks

In our town much like dartford is a cemetery with many unexplained things. I went to east hill 3 weeks ago and caught an evp,a full body apparition and a hand print on the back of my neck that would not stop burning. Its in a small town called Palestine, TX. Its a very old cemetery behind the jail near the tucker family graves. I would love to visit dartford cemetery but times are tough these days and dont have the money to get there. Just thought Id share our hometown legend.

Jul 11, 2009
can't be real
by: Anonymous

frankly ,all these seem to be unreal. how can u expect the ghost to pose for a photo session. i mean ,the fact that the smoky pic of the '"""ghosT "'' could've been just a coincidence,like.... some problem with the camera or the film. u said it was cold out there,right? TRUST ME THERE ARE NO GHOST.IF THERE IS WHY ARE THEY NOT COMING OUT IN DAYLIGHT?(people say they that ,they have magical powers.so obviously they must be really stronger than us huh? or are they scared of us )

Jun 27, 2009
by: YaMo

I saw the tv show on discovery yesterday...i want say that it is incredible...i believe in ghosts...and in this story too...i maked a search with the chief's name...and at the third title i found informations about him...i would like visiting that cemetery...

Sorry for my bad english and for my errors...i'm from Romania :D

Jun 15, 2009
by: Anonymous


***Profanity is not allowed on this site***

Jun 15, 2009
by: corpsman

I think everone who just seen the show had to go on the website wanted to see for them selfs it it was true or not I see the show ever day and there are some that I think that they are not true but some thing like that happend to a family member.I dont knoe but i will like to check it out whit some of my friends I'll set on it and if it happens to me I'll get out of there but I will like to take a camara

Jun 15, 2009
A haunting
by: afro

I just watched this show also great show wanted to check this site out I didnt think so many people would look this up so fast

Jun 15, 2009
Always interesting.
by: Jess P

Hey everyone. I always find it interesting what people have to say about Dartford. We went and were all blown away with what each of us experienced. Everyone is entitled to believe whatever they wish. I would like to make something clear. There are not children in the mausoleum, it is a family. As the story says, if you sit on top of it a ghost will push you off. Not necessarly on Halloween or by a witch. My husband and a friend sat on top of it for less than 5 minutes. Nothing happened to them, but we wonder if you need to stay on longer. There are a lot of police around and it is in a very residental area. If you can make the trip, please be respectful. That is we did and that it what we ask of others. Thank you for checking out our page. Be smart and safe.

Jun 15, 2009
road trip
by: a girl

i like many other people just got done watching a haunting. so i wanted to research DARTFORD CEMETERY. this is the websight i was brought to. i belive in paranormal things and have been close to experencing them. things like ghosts and vampires have allways interested me. i have come to find that over the years both are very real. i am hopeing to drive to the cemetery once i get out of high school.(4 years). thank you for shareing ur story with me and everyone else.

Jun 15, 2009
Does Matrixing Ring a Bell?
by: Anonymous

I did stop to read every single comment, but if a person looks at just about any design or pattern you can start seeing faces and images. Not only did I see the girl above the r & d on the sign, but I saw two figures below and some sort of panther or cat type of creature on the far left. Plus I could make out letters by the tree. Definately an s and maybe m & r. I started to freak myself out!! BTW, I am a believer that there are unexplainable things out there. I grew up in a haunted house!! But I also know the mind will mess with you.
Thanx for letting me put in my two-cents. Oh yeah, I just watched "The Haunting" episode an hour ago.

Jun 15, 2009
until i see for myself i dont belive
by: ruthie

I always watch the show A Haunting. I love horror movie. However I don't belive in such things. I don't even belive in The Amityville Haunting. I've got pics of that house and even though the owners changed the windows don't mean a thing. GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL. Unless I can see for myself and not in a show or movie it just doesn't seem possible to me. Sorry. I don't mean to offend anyone but this is how I feel.

Jun 15, 2009
a haunting
by: Anonymous

i just got one watching a show on the dartford cemetery. the dare is if you sit on the mosaleom (however you spell it) a witch will push you off. the cemetry is filled with the spirits of children that died. be carefull when you go back! good luck and watch your back! lol!

Jun 15, 2009
charleston sceptic
by: Anonymous

I am from charleston SC and I also watched "the haunting" on the cemetary and had to find out more! Ghosts are a very common occurance here and I myself have only seen pictures from a digital game camera but never had a first hand experiance. The game camera was watching a hunting area but I later found out that there was gravestones all around the area unfortunately soil had covered them up and all that could be seen was the crooked tops and I could bot see the dates. If I am ever in this area you can bet I will check this out with camera in hand!

Jun 15, 2009
Cool and Creepy
by: Scott Girls

We just watched the show and wished we lived closer. ATL, GA

Jun 15, 2009
by: Joy

Yea....I just watched that haunting show... WOW!!! I have friends up that way, they know about this place... and they REFUSE to go....

Jun 15, 2009
by: megan

i just watched the show it creeped me out

Jun 11, 2009
Something I Remembered
by: Anonymous

I saw a tv show about this place. I heard that if you stand on top of the moseleum at midnight on Halloween, something will comeand push you off. I don't know if it's true or not, but I kind of want to try that dare out! hahaha

Jun 11, 2009
Something I Remembered
by: Anonymous

I saw a tv show about this place. I heard that if you stand on top of the moseleum at midnight on Halloween, something will comeand push you off. I don't know if it's true or not, but I kind of want to try that dare out! hahaha

Jun 11, 2009
by: Anonymous

It did look mighty cold that night, for sure. Chief Highknocker(?) is, was, pretty creepy looking, huh?

Definitely looks like you had some serious activity going on. Lucky you!

Will have to make some plans to visit soon.

May 29, 2009
by: Cain

I've heard of the Dartford hauntings also. looks interesting. If anybody has a chance they should check out Rose Hills Cemetery in L.A. weird place to visit. also one of the biggest cemetary's in America

May 24, 2009
dead children
by: Anonymous

the history started when children died from polio, then buried at the mausoleum..

May 24, 2009
calling for ghost hunter
by: Jude

i suggest that u guys ask the ghost hunter to go to the cemetery, like TAPS... so that i can watch it on tv bcoz im from malaysia..cannot go there, to far...hehe

Apr 23, 2009
No children
by: Tracker

If you do a small amount of research into Dartford Cemetary, you'll find, as I have, that there are no children buried in the mausoleum. It in fact houses the remains of one, Jackson Walker,the proprietor of Green Lake's former Rustic House.

Myth 1 debunked.

Apr 20, 2009
by: Jess P

To the person who left a comment on April 7th, if you have any questions....just ask!

Apr 07, 2009
plz ans it.....
by: sum1sumwhr..???

very nice 1 but is it true.
i would lyk to check it out with my frnds. if u suggest.!!!
plz reply..jess..

Apr 06, 2009
Thanks for your feedback!
by: Jess and Jeff P

Hey everyone. Thank you for leaving so much wonderful feedback. It's so great to see that people are passionate about learning new things and hearing about new experiences. Even if you don't necessarly believe in ghosts, thank you for respecting those of us who do. Remember to always respect the dead and remain safe. Thanks again. Jess and Jeff

Apr 06, 2009
Im a funeral Director
by: Mr. Funeral Home

Ive worked in a funeral home since i was 10 years old im now 34 years old. I have worked in Vallejo,San Jose, Richmond and Oakland Ca. I have yet to experience this type of activity. You would think working in a funeral home, embalming the dead dressing them you will feel something. But who knows. I walk throught Moutian View Cemetery a lot its in North Oakland on peidmont Ave there are people there buryed in the early 1800s but still i have yet to see anything. But im sure as time goes by something will happen. so at this point i really dont believe in this stuff at all. But hey im sure its a great thrill

Apr 03, 2009
Malichye: Beast of Bray Road
by: JamieLynn

Well, I'm glad you're not going to try and spot this thing........silver bullets couldn't hurt, but I'd be wearing silver armor! lol. I think if I were your family, I'd be carrying a gun with me at all times! Isn't it so strange that no one has ever caught this thing on tape? makes you wonder if it is just coincidence or if the creature has actually been able to purposely avoid any camera. hmmm.....
I'll check up on this true ghost story you're talking about. If this is true about people being murdered over money, is just sad....
Thanks for sharing, M.

Mar 29, 2009
I wouldn't...
by: GhostCoach

I can't think of any reason for wanting to look for a werewolf.
If you find one, Then what?
The only werewolf I wanna see is in movies or books.
Deffinately a beast I don't want to find!!!

Mar 29, 2009
A true Ghost story
by: Malichye

I would like to definately share some info on a real ghost story with all of you.

There is actually an archeological dig going on as we speak concerning this story.

It is called the story of "Duffy's Cut."

Do a web search on it and see what you think.

I have actually spoken with the people in charge of the dig and there is some thought that these people were all murdered in an effort to avoid having to pay them for there services.

Mar 29, 2009
Beast of Bray Road
by: Malichye

No, No trip for me. I do have family who live in the area and tell me the sightings are for real. There was even a report that a DNR warden had spotted the creature chasing a deer. It was running up right on it's hind legs and actually keeping up with the deer. Not sure I would want to mess with something like that unless I was armed.

Hmmmm....do you think I would need silver bullets? LoL

Mar 29, 2009
by: Jamie Lynn

I've also heard of the story featured on Monsterquest (I'm addicted to that show). Most stories on that program are just sightings of the supposed creature and all witnesses took polygraphs which supported their claims to have seen a very similar creature. Scary, huh? So what is the reason for question, Malichye? Planning a trip to try and see this thing? Braver than me...........lol.

Mar 28, 2009
by: GhostCoach

The werewolf seen on Bray road is a pretty scary scenario.
I have read about these sightings and saw an episode of Monsterquest, which explored the sightings.
The woman who thought she ran over something in her car, in 1998, was a very lucky woman.
She stated that the creature charged at her when she exited the car to investigate what she hit.
She then rushed back into the car, pulled away, while the creature jumped on and slid off of her trunk.
Not sure whether or not I believe this account, but it is a very frightening story non the less.

Mar 26, 2009
by: Malichye

Has anyone heard of the werewolf of Wisconsin sometimes called the beast of Bray Road?

Mar 23, 2009
by: Jamie Lynn

Thank you for your insight. I did not know that perspective of the werewolf....very interesting and insightful. I have had some issues from childhood with wolves (fears, dreams, etc.)

Hopefully my input will make at least one person think twice about tempting something they may not be able to handle (no matter how interesting it seems at the time).

blessings to all of you
-Jamie Lynn

Mar 22, 2009
by: GhostCoach

Obviously a reader and believer of the best selling, and most read book of all time.
From that belief, And I'm going to go over the edge a bit here, Demons can and do take any shape that will help to spread their evil and anger, Including, (bear with me here)the shape-shifting werewolf.Sounds a little fantastic,BUT< if you believe in Satan, then you must also believe in his demons.
The werewolf has terrorized many people in movies, literature, folklore and possibly in the flesh.
The werewolf is believed to be the "lapdog of Satan"
Very freaky stuff there...
Awesome contribution Jamie Lynn.

Mar 22, 2009
Just my opinion
by: Jamie Lynn

I'll start by saying that i do see the faces in the picture now that they have been pointed out, but the only face i saw at first (which was obvious to me) was the one to the left which looked to me like a large wolf's head with hollow eyes, then if you look differently, turns into slightly evil looking demonic face. I believe this is your brain "networking" the things you see into something familiar.

Now, more importantly, I do not believe in "ghosts" as they are traditionally believed in. I do, however, believe in demons/angels. If you believe the bible, then it plainly says 1/3 of the angels fell with Satan, and there are/were legions of angels, and there are thousands that make up a legion, etc. These "beings" are still here, folks. Even if they are not all as evil as satan, they are obviously not good. They can take whatever form they please, and do. The occult/spiritual world is not something to be toyed with, as it can be reversed and you are then the object the spirits play with. There are many ways you can open yourself up to these beings, and they often use trickery, such as taking the form of people who have passed on, to make you open yourself up to them.

You do not have to believe the way I do, but believe me when I say that activities like this are dangerous and just maybe you should think twice about this kind of activity..........

good wishes, peace, and blessings to you

Mar 22, 2009
by: Malichye

Good hunting too you as well.

Mar 22, 2009
by: GhostCoach

You deserve and have my respect!
I find that some people make statements that they truelly don't believe.
You definately are consistent in your thinking and convictions.
I applaud you for that, and admire it.
Because of those who make statements that they neither believe or have any basis or fact behind, I find myself calling people out, for that, to you, I am sorry.
Good hauntings to you.

Brenda,Sorry for the language, It won't happen again!!

Mar 22, 2009
I Love You Guys . . .
by: Brenda - Webmaster

I really do. Your passion is inspiring.

Please don't cuss, though.

Thank you.


Mar 22, 2009
by: Malichye

Well Sir,

I am not looking to have a "pi**ing match" with anyone. And as far as my education, yes, actually I am a college graduate with a 4.0 GPA. Does this make me better than anyone...NO!

The point I am trying to make is, as you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion. It just seemed as though you were taunting people because they do not believe as you do.

The fact of the matter is, this is exactly why we have no real answers concerning the paranormal. People who may be skeptical refuse to believe they could be wrong and people who believe refuse to believe there could be another explanation.

In all fairness, the experiences I have had were real and can be verified. When you do have an experience and it is real, you definitely come to know the difference between real and imagination.

I am not here to insult anyone or demean anyone.

I was only trying to share my experience with people who have had the same type of experiences and share the same interests as I do.

Mar 22, 2009
Pardon Me...
by: GhostCoach

First off Malichye,

I will not have a pi**ing contest with you, For it may just surprise you how many streams I am capable of.

As for you and your reality of likening me to GOD, well sir, He would be the only being I would even consider having the ability to see "hundreds" of as you say "people" at a cemetery.

You seem to be somewhat educated, therefore, I would expect you know that to truly have an open mind, you must have skepticism.

And your remark about diagnosing you, That is definitely something I wouldn't even attempt!

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, I respect that.

As I have said more than once in this thread, I believe these people had an experience on their venture to Dartford. I apologize to you Jeffery P if I insinuated otherwise.

Mar 22, 2009
by: Malichye

Sorry about the last post.

Ghostcoach, who said anything about smoke?

Mar 22, 2009
by: Ghostcoach

Who said anything about smoke?

Mar 22, 2009
by: Malichye

I do see the face.

Mar 22, 2009
by: Malichye


In reality you must be "God", since you are capable of knowing what everyone sees and experiences. This is truly amazing.

I am not sure what your experiences are and I do not claim to know.

In all fairness, I would appreciate it if you did not try to diagnose me.

If you are a sceptic then why even visit this web page?

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

Mar 22, 2009
by: Anonymous

I think you are living in the world you profess to see.
There aren't any faces in the picture of the Dartford sign smoke, because it isn't smoke.

I do however believe that the people who took these pictures BELIEVE that they had an experience, but you are grabbing air my friend.

Mar 21, 2009
by: JessJohn32

I'm clearly seeing the face of a man in the tree that stands just inside the cemetery arch. Look at the left corner where the arch and the straight pole meet. There on the tree is a face. He appears to be looking to the side, but all his features are clearly visible. Also, in the mist on that same side of the arch, I see a face which appears to be screaming. Anyone else see what I see?

Mar 21, 2009
The Pictures
by: Malichye

After looking more closely at these pictures I will admit that I do clearly see the image of what looks to be a little girl.

She is directly above the "R" and "D" in the cemetery sign.

If you look you can see here complete face and the part in her long hair that flows around her face.

Like I said before, you could find a face in a pile of dirt if you really wanted to, but I do think this is a great catch, and I like to give credit where credit is due.

More evidence that what I am telling you is true.

Again, this girl looks to be very lonely. Please do not torment her.

Mar 21, 2009
Becareful what you wish for.....
by: Malichye

Like I said, I have seen these things since I was a small child and still do today.

Are there people in the cemeteries that we do not see? Most definitely, when I go to a cemetery I see literally hundreds of people. People, that not every one can see.

I know I am not the only one who has this “gift.".

I do know that most of us who have this "gift" respect those who have passed over just as we do those that are still here, because to us, they are still here.

I know that this posting will not change any of your minds and you will all do what ever you feel you need to do.

Please be careful and respectful and understand that even if you do not see anything there, it does not mean there is nothing there.

Imagine just how lonely those children must be.

They hear your voices when you come into the cemetery and some of you do not talk in a very respectful way.

For those of you who behave this way they probably do not want you there. I wouldn't either.

These are small children. Even though they have passed on, it does not mean they cannot be scared of you, especially if you act like a thug.

While the Indian chief might be seen, he is at peace with himself and everything around him.

In these pictures posted here, I see mist. I do not see any faces, but I do not need too. You could see a face in a pile of dirt if you really wanted too.

The fact is the mist is part of their spiritual being and the amount of mist is evidence of the size of their numbers.

One thing I do find interesting is that these T.V. shows and stories that people tell about their experiences always seem to take place at night.

The fact is these spirits are always there, night and day make no difference to them.

It is evident in these pictures by the foot prints in the snow, just how many people are flooding into this cemetery.

The one question I have for all of you is....

Would you like it if all of the spirits that occupy this cemetery would come into your home?

Mar 21, 2009
by: Valarie

will some 1 plz tell mey u wanna mess wit the spirits. if ne1 of you guys are christians than you shouldnt b doing this. first of all its stupis. 2nd its not something a smart person would do. 3rd of all if u were dead im sure u wouldnt want some1 sittin on ur grave and playin around it. leave the dead alone and let them rest. they dont kare about u they just want to rest in peace. if they are comin bak to life and skarin u they are obviously doing this for a reason. leave them alone. they dnt want u there because they want to do wat they want without u involved. so all of u that think that ur kool or that its funny to do pranks in cemetarys then abviously u dnt have ne home training. dnt disturb the dead. if u wanna play with the devil then he will let u play. dnt do it.

***Your passionate post has been edited to remove some of the offensive language. However, your spelling skills need work. Please use proper spelling, grammar, etc, in the future, or I will delete. Thank you! --Brenda, Webmaster

Mar 11, 2009
***Post Edited***
by: Eminem Flavy

This is an English speaking site. All posts must be in English. Your posted was edited and removed. - Brenda, Webmaster

Mar 09, 2009
Hi Don
by: Brenda - Webmaster

It's okay Don. Most people don't realize the effect of posting such information. Bachelor's Grove was already desecrated by disrespectful curiosity seekers. I don't want to contribute to anything like that. I'm sure there's another way to find the cemetery, like a listing somewhere? That's the only hint I'm going to provide. ;-)


Mar 07, 2009
POST 3/6/09


Mar 07, 2009
by: Schwabe

I love it ,love it,love it.Man i can wait to see that episod again on A Haunting.You guys ar some brawe curiouses.

Mar 06, 2009
by: Brenda - Webmaster

We are not going to post addresses on this site. That contributes to vandalism.

Also, no email addresses, either.

I've deleted your post and will ban for this.


Mar 02, 2009
by: Nate R.

When I first heard about this cemetary, I did what the kids on A Haunting did, I google'd it and found it and I later was introduced to the episode of A Haunting from a friend. I was shocked. I am going to the cemetary in the fall. Since I heard it, I have been having nitemares about going there and seeing evil spirits like the episode, but I think the sign is telling me not to plan to go there.

Mar 01, 2009
good show
by: Trev82

Hi there i am not from Wisconsin at all but i have Experience seeing spirits and i know how thows people felt when they where in that Cemetery you go thrue a kinda shock u can not explane , for going into the Cemetery is not a good thing to do cause 1st of all if you like being haunted go for it but persanly i would not go into the Cemetery at all cause of the fact that i have herd that is if you go to a cemetery you could have a visiter what i mean about that is a spirit could fallow you home and start haunte your house hold , when u go to these places you are opening up a door and a door you may not be able to close by your self , every one gots a say for every thing , but i liked the show called A Haunting and the episode the Dartford Cemetery , i giv it all 5's .

Mar 01, 2009
so cool
by: Anonymous

Im going to do the dare.

Mar 01, 2009
so cool
by: Anonymous

Im going to do the dare.

Feb 28, 2009
How funny!
by: Jess P.

The episode must have aired today! Lol. So many comments about the episode. Hell, thats how we found out about it. Anyone around Wisconsin should totally check this place out. I think we are going back in the summer. Thanks for posting! :D

Feb 27, 2009
A Haunting
by: Anonymous

I just saw the episode on A Haunting and I found it the best epsiode. I've seen it like 5 times now. If more then one person saw the same thing it's real. Wow some people could be so rude. Even old enough to know better and so rude.

Feb 27, 2009
by: lovebug26

i was watching this thing on the tv and theese people went in and started seeing stuff and hearing stuff like vioces of footsteps and even they were siting on the mousaleum and somthing pushed them off they were freaked out I mean who wouldn't be?

Feb 27, 2009
by: Anonymous

i would soooo move to go here i love all this paranormal stuff. looks cool to just chill at too

Feb 27, 2009
to say hay
by: twin peaks paranormal

i never investagate cemeterys to many outside noises but if i did this would be the one but in the summer to cold in winter.

Feb 20, 2009
by: Anonymous

I have an open mind on the subject, but reading back I am laughing over the 29th month. Most people with a brain know the USA uses month/day/year for the date and the rest of the world (here in Australia also) uses day/month/year

Feb 17, 2009
by: Schwabe

Men you gy's sure have some brave souls and strong hearts for going there.Those pictures are a real prouf that the Dartford Cemetery is haunted.If enybody has some sites of really scary cemetery's like this or stories plis wrietit in your coments.

Feb 14, 2009
Invitation to our Ghostly Day.
by: Cathy K.

Please Map Quest New Richmond, Ohio 45157 and join us.of an entire day of Ghost tours, differnt groups will be set up from different states. June 27th from 10:am to 9:pm. This will be a day you wont want to miss.Contact Melinda for any details [email protected] We welcome you all. we are 20 miles East of Cincinnati, We have two haunted Bed and Breakfast you can stay out while in town too, do your own investagations while here.

Feb 14, 2009
by: Schwabe

Dartford Cemetry realy attracted my attention especialy the mousoleum.Yesterday on A Haunting at Discovery Channel they related the story of two groups of teenagers how went at Hlloween night to Dartford Cemetery and men that was some horror.If il ever go to the United States that will be the first place il will visit.

Feb 11, 2009
by: mc lovein

i just want to say those are some sweet stories

Feb 04, 2009
names changing
by: Anonymous

someone said something about the names changing on the tombstones.

Feb 04, 2009
A humble reply
by: Jess

Hello everyone. Wow. I am so happy to see so many people interested in our story. I am writing just to clear some things up. Yes, it is very funny that "the kid" who wrote the comment about the date. He either isn't from this country, doesn't own or know how to operate a digital camera, or doesn't know his months of the year. As far as the comment about how we should do something for the living. First off, we NEVER disrespected any of the graves. We were not hatefully stomping on the people's graves. We were 100% cautious and respectful the whole time. Now, something for the living? My husband, Jeff is a corrections officer and I am a child care provider. We do wonderful things for (the living) our communinity. We enjoy Halloween, horror movies, paranormal experiences, the whole nine yards but, that does not mean that we are horrible hateful people. For the person who commented about the date adding up to 23 and then dividind it to get.666:WOW! We enjoy numerology, especially the movie "Number 23" with Jim Carrey. 100 kudos for thinking of that!! To the woman from Ohio:Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. We know that people are skeptical about "ghost stories". I totally believe that people can believe whatever they wish to believe. I only hope for people to have an open mind and take things into consideration. Who knows? Maybe we didn't hear ghosts or feel things?!? Maybe everything was just all one HUGE coincidence?!? Everyone: believe what you want to believe. I know what we believe and this site is just us telling our story. Thank you for your comments and please continue to comment.

Feb 04, 2009
Ghost in Ohio too.
by: Anonymous


Check out this site, and click on the B&B Scroll all the way to the bottom and listen. I was there after this was done. I'm for sure a believer.

Feb 04, 2009
It's Okay
by: Brenda - Webmaster

You guys-

The person who posted the doubtful comment is no longer here. Let's be happy now, okay?

Thank you!


Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

What did you expect to find in a cemetery?

Feb 04, 2009

What is wrong with you people? If you dont believe then why are you here?

Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

Wow you guys are idiots bc there is a 29th day in november of 2008 look at a calendar!!!!

Feb 04, 2009
What the?
by: Bewitched

Are you people crazy? The date clearly says Nov. 29th. That is the 11th month. Wow, you cant even read the date right and you think we care about your opinion on supernatural. Get real. Grow up learn to read, learn your months and days then come back and comment!

Feb 04, 2009
by: Boston Lass

I dont care what is the truth and what is not,but do any of you know that we all should let the dead rest in peace.How would you feel if your parents were buried there ,,and kids were tramping all over there graves . WHY DONT YOU TRY TO FIND SOMETHING TO DO THAT WOULD BENEFIT THE LIVING .

Feb 04, 2009
Hi Jeff
by: Donna

I just watched the story on tv, I was also a non believer. I'm 52 years old and 4 friends of mine stayed over night at the Some where in time Bed & Breakfast in New Richmond, OHIO actually for a girls night out pajama party. The story here is that the B&B is haunted. We laughed and said yea right, well let's go any way. Well we for sure was made believers that night. Things did happen and we found out a young lady between 18 and 21 was the one speaking to us, with the name Sarah. many thing happend to convince us. Do I think every one in our town would believe us, NO way! But I know what I seen, and that's all that matters. So ignor the negative comments Jeff. You know what you saw and heard. For those who dont believe, you dont have to be hateful, just say i was there nothing happend to me, maybe one day it will.

Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

look at date 11/29/2008, 1+1+2+9+2+8=23 2/3=.666 scary huh?

Feb 04, 2009
by: [email protected]

One of the spookiest places I have ever heard of. If there is a DVD of the cemetery, I would like one.

Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous


Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

yea its 11-29-08 that would be november 29th and yes the date is sometimes on the picture because my camera does the same thing

Feb 04, 2009
by: Anonymous

I like hauntings and such. I've wanted to go there, to Dartford, for a really long time but I live way too far away. Thanks for the pictures and your explaining things.

Feb 04, 2009
Hey LP
by: Anonymous

First of all you shouldn't speak about others having a lack of education when you yourself do not know how to use grammar properly, and your spelling is horrible! Go back to school!

Jan 20, 2009
Fake Date?
by: LP

Wow, you are intelligent, saying that 11/29 isnt real.. If that were even remotly true, what does that have to do with anything. We are all amazed by your (serious lack of)intelligence. To the person who wrote that you might want to think twice before writing such a thing that teh 29th month doesn't exist. Its called a digital camera. To the fellow who wrote this:
"I have seen many horror movies, and know the techniques in" First your grammer loses all creditbility, proving you hardly have a degree in visual arts. Also anouther example of your lack of common sense, and knowledge. These people are just sharing thier stories, and Dartford Cemetary is very well known for their experiences. So.. If you dont believe, you have that right. I suggest one thing, Make a trip out there... Go alone, and spend some time there, until you "feel you have proved millions of people wrong with no such thing as the paranormal" Than post again on the site. The face in the pic, or couple may not be an exact depiction of paranormal activity, But DTC is entirched with the paranormal, and is has had many encounters of activity. I suggest if you dont beleive, than prove all of us wrong, go there, and make a good long video while your doing so, because we wouldnt believe you went there without proof either. and oh , all of us seeing you running out there, shaking in your little boots wouldn't be to bad either :). Go for yourself, than..... post here if its true your not. You are entiteled to your own opinion, But first. You have to gather all the facts. Not base your founation on the fact that the "ring" was just hollywood show.

Jan 12, 2009
thanks for sharing...
by: Anonymous

Jess and Jeff,

Thank you for sharing your experiences, as well as your photos. How exciting to catch these images on camera! As an open-minded individual, I can certainly understand the allue of Dartford Cemetery. After seeing the episode of "A Haunting", I realized we're not that far, either, and my sister and I plan on going up for a visit to see if we experience anything out of the ordinary. As for the nay-sayers, they're out there, too. Don't let that discourage you in your quest to satisfy your curiosity. Rock on, sista!

Jan 11, 2009
my thoughts
by: Bre

Hey all. Its Bre, im friends with jess and jeff. I was there that night, and i can totally verify that those pics were real. Honestly, come on now...why would anyone photoshop ghosts??? Thats just silly. Or the date?

I'll admit, im a bit of a chicken when it comes to paranormal stuff. Im not even gonna lie, sometimes im scared of the dark. On the way there me and jess, being the only girls, had the heebie jeebies!! So i already expected to see some creepy things. But i didnt. Yes, jess did have a tummy ache, and yes i was scared and cold, so we went back to the car.

However, before we went to the car we took that pic of the sign. I was standing right next to jess when she took that pic. We are not stupid people, so why would we park the car right in front of the cemetery? The car was way down the street. Like i said, im afraid of the dark, but im more afraid of cops!! I hate the police, trust me.

Even though i did not see any strange activities or have any weird feelings, other people in our group did and im not gonna call them liars. And yes, we did not notice the strange illusions in the pics til we got home. But all we did was load the pics onto the comp. THERE WAS NO EDITING DONE. I repeat, NOTHING WAS EDITED.

Thanks to those of you who believe us, and to those who dont, its fine. Not everyone can be open minded. That is too much to ask for!

Jan 11, 2009
My response to previous posts
by: Jess P

Hello. Wow! I have not read recents post for a while and I read some today and I am just blown away. We are in no way suggesting for people to go to Dartford and disrespect the graves. When we were there, we were very cautious of our flashlights, volume of our voices, where our car was parked and respectful to everything around us.

I think I might have posted this before but I will repeat myself. We saw the episode on Discovery Channel and was amazed. We live like 2 hours from there. I actually use to go to Green Lake every summer when I was younger. We were very skeptical of the paranormal activity, so we deceided to go see for ourselves. What we experienced is genuine. I took all of the pictures. I used my Kodak EasyShare 613 camera. I uploaded the pictures using the Kodak EasyShare software. I did not edit the pictures in any way. I repeat. I did not edit the pictures. I laughed so hard when that person said that I added the dates! And 29th month? Come on. Oh, it was stated earlier that someone thought that we took pictures from inside the car. No pictures were taken from the car. I never took my camera in the car. For an additional "proof", here is a picture of Jeff(my husband) and I on Christmas. I used the same camera. Notice the cemetery picture of Jeff standing on top of the mausoleum, he is the same as the Christmas picture. Also, please notice the date.


I really enjoy reading the responses, so please continue. I am not asking for anyone to believe in ghosts. I am just telling my story. Thanks again, Jess

Jan 10, 2009
Nice Try
by: Brenda - Webmaster

The date says 11/29/2008, that's November 29, 2008 here in the USA. You must be from the UK.

Or too young to be on this site. If this is the case, kindly go to the kid's section or be on your way . . .

Jan 10, 2009
to anonymous
by: GhostCoach

It amazes me the intellect in some.
In America we put the month/day/year and in that order, so it says 11th month/29th day/of year 2008.
Also, my camera puts the date on the pic if I choose to, most digital cams do.
It's probably a good thing some people stay anonymous.

Jan 10, 2009
by: Anonymous

hahahaha!!! the pictures are blates fake ... the date on them says there is a 29th month ... NO THERE ISN'T

that was obvs added on there to make it seem like a digial camera photo - and anyway it wouldn't even be on there, only on the camera.

good luck next time.

Jan 10, 2009
Gate Pic...
by: GhostCoach

Hey Jeff, I was not saying that you did not take pic from outside. I was just stating what I thought.(just an opinion)
If we do not have sceptics, Then every picture, video, evp or tale becomes true, and all the sudden they have no worth or meaning.
You truly sound convinced in what you saw and captured with your camera.
That in it's self has credibility.
KEEP SEARCHING , eventually we may all solve the spiritual riddle!

Jan 09, 2009
Hi Jeffrey
by: Brenda - Webmaster

It sure seems you're right about the activity there. Even if not everyone agrees with your pic - it's okay. I bet you guys did have an experience, although I can't and wouldn't even try to authenticate it, myself. It would require more than just pics, as I'm sure you're aware.

Just so you know, the Warning I posted earlier was not for you, but for the cretin (now banned) who tried to get people to go and treat the place like a circus.

I do want to thank you for encouraging people to be respectful in your last post. The last thing I want is for this site to stir up a bunch of psychos who trash people's places. We're not into that here.

Jan 09, 2009
Go Visit And Believe What You Want
by: Anonymous

Hey all this is Jeffrey P Who Is The One That Posted This Article And My Wife Jessica Took The Pictures. Say What You Want About The Pictures, But They Were Taken Standing Out In A Freezing Cold Cemetery. They Were Not Taken Sitting Down Or In A Car. We Only Took A Small Amout Of Pictures Do To The Fact That My Wife Jessica And Her Friend Got Sick. Some Friends And I Stood Out In The Freezing Cold For Another Hour. Do I Really Believe Anybody Will See A Ghost There? No, But The Picture And The Atmosphere Being There Is Very Creepy. I Too Live In Milwaukee And I Drove 2 1/2 Hours To Experience This. Anybody In The Wisconsin Area And Is Intrested In This Type Of Thing, Go Check It Out For Yourselves, But Be Respectful.

Jan 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

Good call Julie

Jan 09, 2009
Me Again
by: Julie

Actually, no, it's not their lap. It's a reflection of their shirt. They are wearing a bluish/greyish denim shirt or sweatshirt.

Jan 09, 2009
I Agree With Ghostcoach
by: Julie

I see it perfectly.

It was night, but the light was on in the inside of the car. Someone took a picture through the closed window and you can see the reflection of someone's jeans on the window. The anomaly in the picture of the Dartford sign is reflection from inside the car.
That's why the sign looks so high. Whoever took the pic was sitting down.

Sorry! I see it clear as day.

Cool story, though.

Jan 09, 2009
The last pic
by: Tiffster1989

the last pic you posted there is a shaddowy figure in it on the left side if you are looking at the pic

Jan 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

today i just saw the episode in "A Haunting" and thought that i should check out where that place was located because i missed the first 20 minutes of it. to find out that it was in Wisconsin!!! I was pretty shocked because i lived in Milwaukee, WI! INTERESTING!! but i'll never go there!

Jan 09, 2009
Warning! Do NOT Abuse this Cemetery
by: Brenda - Webmaster

And do NOT use this site to encourage others to do so. Anyone posting anything about this cemetery that even remotely encourages disrespectful behavior will be banned, their posts removed, and their IP addresses sent to authorities as evidence.

I do not condone using paranormal research as an excuse to vandalize or disrespect property. We will assist the police in upholding the law.


Jan 09, 2009
by: Antone

I can't believe people watch a t.v. show, and automatically believe it to be true. Crissy from "three's company" is a real person? The ones of you who have never been their say, must be something going on at Dartford. Why? Dartford has a newer portion where, people bury their loved ones to this day. No stories from these people. Lastly, please go back to school, and learn some grammar skills.

Jan 09, 2009

I have numerous pictures of cemeteries and unexplained things.
The picture of the sign, looks to me like it was taken through a car window

Jan 09, 2009
Be careful
by: Anonymous

hi i'm always a believer with ghosts and paranormal stuff and i saw an episode about this cemetery and i sure searched it, anyway people that going over there and see all this mysterious things be careful because not only ghosts are haunting the cemeteries but also demonic things are all in there that can follow you to where you live and haunt you for the rest of your lives!...

Jan 09, 2009
by: Anonymous

we didnt use any techniques. we had access to a camera and took 9 pictures at random. go there and be the judge for yourself. when i go back in spring i will have more pictures.

Jan 09, 2009
False stories
by: Anonymous

This is all man made story. if anyone has really experienced anything it is not the ghost doing but the humanbeings who are doing this just to make stories.We have seen many horror movies what all techniques they are using, these techniques are used in cemetry

Dec 24, 2008
Ummm...come on now.
by: Jess (Jeff's wife)

Ok. To everyone that has seen "A Haunting":
My husband and I originally found out about Dartford from watching the same exact program. As a young teen, I use to go up to Green Lake during the summers and I never even knew about this cemetery. We took the trip to see what was really going on. We were not going to "disturb" the ghosts or disrespect the graves. We went to see if there really was paranormal activity. And yes, there was. Pretty much everyone (from our group) had some sort of paranormal experience from the cemetery. To this day, I still get chills looking at the pictures. We find new things (hidden objects or illusions) in the pictures that I have taken. There is some serious business going on in Dartford. It was an amazing experience and we plan to go again in the Spring. Like I had said earlier, (in previous posts) the pictures are not edited. And from the theory that the female from India had: if there was smoke, fog, breath whatever...why isn't it in all of the pictures then? It was only shown in 2 of the 11 pictures that I took. Who knows?!? What we experienced was real. I had a very scary experience. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for some time now. Pregnancy is always on my mind. While I was there, I felt constant pressure on my ovaries. Like a pushing and tearing pain. That frightened me so much, so badly that I ran out of the cemetery shaking. Nothing is wrong with me. My ovaries are perfectly normal. I feel like it was the poor ghosts of the children telling me to leave. This is real. What we experienced is real. I can not stress that enough. We advise anyone near the area to check it out. We strongly suggest a few things.
#1)Be respectful to everything
-This cemetery is in a very residental neighborhood.
-Respect the graves, ghosts and families of the dead.
#2)Cops are all around.
-They know that people have seen that show. It is a very small town and they are aware of "ghost hunters".
#3)Come with an open mind.
-It wasn't what I expected, it was more.
Enjoy our pictures and posts. We urge people to continue to respond and ask questions. Thank you. -Jess

Dec 24, 2008
un believeable to watch
by: zafarad

Discovery reveled many of "myths" regarding DFC.but i hope "chief" ghost will no longer walk any more due to global warming threats! ! ! ! ! !

Dec 24, 2008



Dec 24, 2008
by: Roshee

oh my god!!!

last night i saw a program on discovery regarding "Dartford Cementary". I was shocked after watching the series and it actually forced me to put this cementary on search.There must be some paranormal activites going on in dartford cementry. These ghosts should not be disturbed because they are not of this world.After watching, listening and searching about this series i have actually start believing in these species.

Dec 24, 2008
by: Anonymous


Dec 24, 2008
Paranormal Activities!!
by: Angshuman

Hi!!this is angshu from Calcutta (INDIA)last night I watched the program in Discovery channel and it's reaclly mysterious to me. I am a scientist in profession and do believe to the stuffs having strong logic. Did you find there something which can push you?? Is it your subconcious mind or infact the fogy roof got slippery which caused to fell down from the mausalem. On more think I want to note it here some times at the time of clicking if our nose gets closure to the lence then it's very normal to get smoky picture in winter.
And of course I do believe if there is god always there is devil. But if so why are they confined in that cemetory not coming out side or going some where else.... Why are they scaring people. Always there should be reason behind of every action.


Dec 23, 2008
its really haunting !!
by: deoraj mishra

hi its deoraj,4m Dhanbad(india)
2day i saw the serial"The haunting" on discovery channel,
really it was amazing & horrible to see those photos on this site,
there must be something going on in "Dartfords".
so please dont disturb "them" and let "them" free in their own world.....!!!!!

thanks and regards,
deoraj mishra (India)

Dec 21, 2008
by: julia h.

Hi its me again,
i just want to let you guys know that the Indian Chief statue is scary looking if you look at it long enough. It also looks like that its watching your every move.

Dec 21, 2008
by: julia h.

I have always wanted to go to a haunted cemntry. But I just want to know if there is a dare that if u sit on the mosiliume that a ghost would push you off.Aslo, is there a ghost of a Indian Chief truely walking around in the cementry? that would be awesome.But mine main question is that would you go alone? like ever go alone. Also, think that you guys should start your own team of invesigators and go back and catch all the paronormal activate that you could find. Also, I have heard that 2 children that have died of polio or something and is lurking in cementry.Well it was nice talking to you guys, bye.

Dec 13, 2008
20 something couple?
by: Jeffrey Pagel

i dont see a 20 something couple underneath the dartford sign, but i did see a unknown image on the darford sign photo. about a foot under the dartford sign there is a couple sqwiggly marks. i zoomed up on them and it appers like a N and 23. which is odd because one of my favorite movies is number 23. i am making a trip back next year and im going to spend a long time there and im going to take a million pictures. i only took a handfull of pictures and found suspicious activity.

Dec 13, 2008
fellow badger from Janesville
by: michelle

I myself have not been, but I know many who have,my own personal tour will begin June 09. Many things going on in that photo. Did anyone else see the 20 something couple holding each other just under the sign. Is there anyone who could zoom in on them so we all could see it a little better. I sense there's a story they want to tell' that's why they put. themselves there. There's never a dull or "quiet" moment at the Dartford Cemetery! For those who go hunting in the Dartford ,investigating can be done with respect and dignity. I look forward to seeing if anything else transpires.

Dec 08, 2008
dartford smoke
by: Jeffrey Pagel

oh one more thing about the smoke above the dartford cemetery sign. that dartford sign is 20 feet from the ground and i highly doubt anykind of cold breath would reach that high.

Dec 07, 2008
The Zone?
by: Jess

What is the zone?

Dec 07, 2008
by: courtney

Where is that.that pic is in the zone

Dec 07, 2008
Hi Jess
by: Brenda - Webmaster

I want to point out that I didn't say I didn't believe you. I was just offering a plausible explanation for your pic. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Thanks for submitting.


Dec 07, 2008
Nice pic
by: Ed Brown

I think this is a great pic. I do see the face in the smoke, and i think there is some truth to faces seen in most ghostly pics that ive seen. However... I also know that people can see faces in almost anything.

Dec 06, 2008
My own experience
by: Jess(Jeff's wife)

Hello. I just wanted to add to what Jeff has said. I took all of the pictures that night. I am a photographer and I promise you that the face in the smoke is real. My friend Bre and I were standing outside of the older part of the cemetery and captured this shot. I do not believe that it is "smoke from breathing". I have about 9 pictures total from the night and only 2 of them have the "smoke". And even if it was breath smoke, by chance, why is there a face? It was very creepy. While I was in the older cemetery I felt like someone was gliding their fingers up and down my back, then across my neck. As we were running out, I had a horrible pain in my "lower stomach" area. (Women know) After taking the "sign picture", Bre and I started to walk back to the car, as we were walking I looked to my left into the cemetery. I saw dark figured shadows moving from grave to grave. We ran fasted down the street. I would say that we felt some ghosts truly wanting us out of that cemetery. I hope that you believe. I know that I do. (Thanks)

Dec 06, 2008
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Jeffrey

I'm in Wisconsin right now, too. Sure is coooold and snowy here! One thing I want to say - could this be your breath? I know I have a camera with me and usually I'm lining up my shot, not paying attention to myself. So perhaps you exhaled while shooting this pic. I'm not saying that's what it is, but there is a possibility. Thanks for submitting!


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