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Cross Keys, Virginia

by Dezsu

The Cemetery

The Cemetery

The Battle of Cross Keys and Port Republic left many spirits behind. It was during the Civil War. You hear strange knocks on doors and you feel like you are being watched. These occurrences don't just happen in one house/property. They happen all over the place. It may be a small area but it stills has activity. I actually grew up there. There are also many houses that were once war hospitals. My best friend came to my house not knowing the history very well and said, "Do you feel like you're being watched? I do."

It's a very interesting area. If you go to google.com and search Cross Keys & Port Republic, VA, you will find some history!

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Cross Keys, Virginia

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Jun 06, 2011
Personal Experience
by: Renn

I was driving down Cross Keys Rd. toward Port Republic Rd. last night at around midnight, and there were really weird patches of fog from out of nowhere, and it was much darker than I'd ever seen it. My girlfriend and I both felt that we were being watched. I'm definitely not driving around there at night any time soon!

Feb 15, 2009
by: Anonymous

wow i think that is so creepy. If i had to live there then i would run away to my friends house or just run away. Don't try it though.

Jan 22, 2009
Thanks For That
by: Brenda - Webmaster

Hi Dezsu

Thank you for your report. Sounds like a very interesting place.


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