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Ashmore Estates Haunting, Ashmore, Illinois

by Tony Risley
(Casey, Illinois, USA)

Ashmore Estates has long been rumored to be a very haunted site. It was a place for the legally insane for years.

There is the story of a man who is called "Jumper" who was a doctor who jumped out of a window to his death. There has also been sightings and weird feelings around the whole place. I was working there last year as a maintenance/haunter and I have a couple of stories to share.

I was escorting someone out who was to scared to complete the Haunted House tour. One of the people who was working there said there are three people when I was walking through. There were only two of us.

On another night I was bending over to relax for a bit when I felt someone touch me. The thing is that a wall was behind me there was no way something or someone could get behind me without me knowing about it.

There is also a woman in white who is rumored to walk the halls of Ashmore Estates.

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Ashmore Estates Haunting, Ashmore, Illinois

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Sep 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

Just curious, what was the name of the doctor who jumped?

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